Chapter 11

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 (I'm still taking votes for who will date Y/n, but as of right now i'm leaning towards the boys 'sharing', because people want that!)

You woke up in your bed "how?" you thought. Then you remembered Masky, "He probably carried me or somethin'". you got up after your little self-convo. Getting dressed, you thought about last night. "WELL FUCK ME, I LOVE MY CO-WORKERS! THIS IS BULL!" you shouted in your head with realization.

-Time skip, brought to you by Hoodie's mask-

 You walked downstairs to the kitchen, to get some food. You spot hoodie, you giggled at him, as he was sleeping, face down, into his breakfast, which was a slice of leftover cake. You thought about waking him, but you didn't want to, the sight was actually really cute. You wanted to let him sleep, but, you didn't want him suffocating in cake either. You decided to wake him.

 "Hoodie?" No response.
"wake up hoodie" You say.
"It's me, Y/n" you say, as you slap him. (If you know le reference, you are my new best friend. Please guys. It's a PS4 video game reference.)

 He wakes up. "What? Oh, I fell asleep, in cake." He said, realizing what is going on. You laughed, telling him to wash his mask, as, there is cake all over it. Thankfully there was only a few people in the mansion; You, Hoodie, BEN, and Slender. So it didn't really matter that he had no mask, as BEN was going to be in his room all day, playing video games, and you and slender have seen him mask-less before. He laughs, taking it off, and taking it to the basement to wash.

Hoodie came back about 4 minutes later, mask-less still. "So, Y/n, what do ya wanna do?" He asked, cursing at himself internally for being so generic, and blushing, because that's what he does around you, you just can't see it because of his mask.

"Wanna take a walk, or play some video-games in my room?" you ask, lightly blushing, seeing he blushed. 

"Let's take a walk, it gets sort of boring being inside all the time." He said, semi-smiling. 

"What about your mask?" you asked.

"Eh, who cares, plus, I won't seem suspicious without it." he said, shrugging it off.

 Eventually, the two of you made it to a park, in Alabama, Rosswood Park to be exact. Of course, the two of you didn't have a specific location to go to, so this is where you ended up. The two of you walked over to a shaded bench, and sat down. You could tell something was bothering Hoodie.

"Hoodie, ever since we walked into this park, you've been acting weird. Are you alright?" you asked, looking at him with concern.

"I guess, this place still bothers me." He said, in sort of a sad kinda way.

"Why? have you been here before?" you asked, still concerned.

 "I guess since I know your story, I should tell you Tim and I's." He said, looking at you.

You nodded, wondering who Tim was, but he would probably say.

"Alright, so. Hi, i'm Brian, Brian Thomas." He said, looking at you, sorta smiling.

You smiled at him, happy to know his real name.

"In college I had a friend, Alex Kralie, he was directing a film called 'Marble Hornets'. I had auditioned for the main character, that weirdly was named Brian, and got the part. The day I auditioned, my best friend Tim, was there with me, he auditioned for Brian's best friend, he got the part as well. Everything was fine, until, Alex started to become pissed off at almost everything we did, and said wrong, and not long after that, the film was cancelled." He explained.

-Time skip, because I don't feel like writing out the whole plot of Marble Hornets-

"And Tim and I went with Slender, been with him ever since." Brian said, finishing his and Masky's story.

You were in shock, but were glad to know both of their names, and how they became proxies. "That's a hell of a story, Brian, but, i'm glad that those events led up to us meeting." you said, smiling up at him, as, he's taller, by a foot or three.

 You hugged him for a second, blushing. Then you got out of the hug, and tagged him, saying "Tag your it!" and running away like a small child.

You and Brian played Tag for at least an hour, before going home. The two of you were walking home, actually, Brian was walking, you were on his back. While he was giving you a piggy-back-ride, you took a stick from a tree, and hit him on the head, laughing.

"Ow. Y/n what was that for?" Brian asked, looking back at you.

All you said was: "Onward my noble bitch!", pointing the stick forwards.

"Neigh" Brian deadpanned, laughing, and running.

 The two of you laughed, cracked jokes, played around, and blushed a few times, all the way home. By the time you got back, it was 1:00 PM. You left at 7:30 AM, the walk to the park was 2 hours long, Brian's story was about an hour long, you played tag for about an hour, and the walk back was about 2 and a half hours because of all the messing around. You looked at the time, seeing you missed lunch, you were hungry. 

"Hey Brian," You said. 

The man hummed in response. 

"We missed lunch, wanna try and make some cake? as you slept in the last slice." you asked

"Oh, right. Sure. But first, we need the baking master." He said, a grin growing on his face.

"Tim should be home, so, TIM GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE RIGHT NOW!" he said, then yelled upstairs.

You could hear a loud 'Thump' and a door slam from the third floor, meaning, Masky heard Hoodie's yelling.

"OW!" you heard Tim say as he tripped and fell downstairs. 

You laughed at this.

Masky got up from the floor and walked over, "Yes?" he asked in a slightly pissed voice.

"We n-" You stopped Brian's talking by slapping your hand over his mouth "We were going to bake a cake, as Brian had fallen asleep in the last slice this morning." you said, as Brian nodded.

"Oh, then let's bake- wait, how did- Brian?" Tim said, and then became confused at how you said 'Brian' instead of 'Hoodie'.

You uncovered Brian's mouth so he could speak. "N/n (nickname. it could be a shorter version of your name. or something like 'shorty' (like Tim's nickname)or 'cupcake' etc., my character's nickname would be Addie, short for Addison) and I went to a park, turns out it was Rosswood. I ended up telling her everything that happened with Jay and Alex, and I told her that your name is Tim." Brian explained to Tim.

Afterwards, The three of you got to baking.

-End of chapter 11-

I hope you guys liked the Brian fluff for this chapter!
It won't stay fluffy for long.
I'm going to refer to them as "Tim and Brian" more than "Masky and Hoodie" but will still use both.
I made sure it was a semi-long chapter today to make up for my absence Thursday, Friday, and Saturday.

Don't forget to vote, comment, and follow!
I love you all so dearly, thank you so much, and I will see you all in the next chapter

Derpy out~

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