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April 16th 2019


"Actually, I'm going to finish the designs soon. I only have two more to go." I said into my phone calmly.

"That's great! What time do you think they'll be done?"

I thought to myself. "Uh, maybe around-"

"you'll never catch me alive!" Aaliyah  yelled as she ran around.

"Aaliyah, give it back! I'll hurt you!" Athena shouted.

"I'm sorry. I'm going to have to call you back." I said into the phone before hanging up. I stood up in front of my chair and calmly watched the two of them run around. "You two." I said calmly but sternly. They both stopped in their place.

They both dropped everything in their hands and turned to me. "Yes mommy." They both said in unison.

"You know I was on the phone, right?" Athena's head dropped low and Aaliyah sighed.

"Yes mommy." Aaliyah frowned.

"Athena?" Angelina raised her eyebrow.

"Yes." She answered.

"I want you two to go brush your teeth. I'll run you a bath so you could go to bed." I  said sternly. The twin girls scurried up stairs to get ready.

Athena was the oldest twin. She is very sensitive and sweet, and she also loses her temper very easily. Aaliyah wasn't very sensitive, but she was always very smart. Compared to her sister she's a trouble maker.

I put the phone back up to my ear. "I'm so sorry. I'll call you back Dina." I frowned. We said our goodbyes and hang up.

I walked upstairs and went into the bathroom. Athena and Aaliyah looked like little angels as they brushed their teeth.

They looked so much like their father.

After I left Grayson, I haven't talked to him. I keep in touch with his brother and sister Cameron and Ethan. I know that one day I'm going to have to take the kids to see him. They're only four, but they're smart girls. One of these days they're going to ask about their father, and I'll have no choice but to fly all the way to California for them to meet him.

I'm not scared to because I live all the way in New York, I'm scared because I know what I did was wrong. Grayson has the right to hate me. I still hate Grayson a little for what he did to me, but I have to forgive him one day. Our relationship is over. I'm never going to go back into his arms ever again, and I'm pretty sure he doesn't want me to anyway.

"Girls." I said softly. Their little giggles died down as they turned to me.

"Hi mama." Athena said smiling.

"Hi baby." I cooed. "Before I run the bath water, did you both do your homework?" I placed my hand on my hip.

"Yes." Athena said smiling. I turned to Aaliyah.

"Aaliyah?" I questioned.

She groaned. "Mommy, it's Winter break!"

"So? You're in pre k, what even is your homework? Coloring?"

"Yes, and my teacher said you have to stay in the lines when you color. How the heck am I supposed to do that?" Aaliyah said dramatically.

"How about tomorrow I'll help you color. Sounds fun?" I said reaching down to her level.

"Yeah." She smiled.

"Good. Now keep on brushing your teeth." I smiled.

Athena And Aaliyah shared a room. They had beautiful princess beds with canopy on it, like what I wanted when I was younger. Sadly, my family never had enough money for that but I do now.

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