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We've been here for a long ass time, I know each and every one of us are pruned up by now. We were sitting on the stairs of the pool telling stories and Angelina was still on my back.

"So then, Athena fell and we had to go to the hos-pit-al." Aaliyah said, finishing up her story of how she broke Athena's hand. "Aaliyah. Did you ever apologize to your sister about that?" I asked, trying to hold back a laugh.

"Yeah. I still feel bad." How have they done so much? Their only four...

"Daddy, mommy is asleep." Athena said. I looked over my shoulder to see if what she said was true, and it was.

"Babies, it's actually getting late. "Let's all go to bed." The girls nodded and I got out of the pool and managed to keep Angelina on my back. I grabbed our towels and headed to our room. I opened the door and put Angelina on her bed and took a quick shower.

After I came out I wrapped my towel around myself. I heard distant voices talking in a conversation, so I stopped in my tracks. "I thought mommy's and daddy's were supposed to stay together forever." I heard a small voice say. "Some, not all." Angelina said tiredly. "Why?" "Not everyone is perfect for each other. "What if I think you guys are perfect for each other?" "I don't think we are, baby." "Why not?" "Why don't you mind your business?" Angelina began to tickle our precious girls and I heard their angelic laughs fill the hotel room.

This is what I missed out on in the past four years. Fuck.

I walked into the room, acting like I heard nothing. "Woke up from your nap I see?" I said grabbing my clothes from my suitcase. Angelina licked her lips. "Yeah. It was a good one." She smiled. "Good. I'm going to go change really quick." I said as I felt my cheeks heat up.

"O-Okay." She mumbled.

Third person

The two had very mixed emotions about each other. They had no idea what they felt, and if they even wanted to feel it.

Angelina was afraid that if she gained feelings for him again that he'd hurt her. She wasn't sure about much but she was sure that she was physically attracted to him.

The same thing is for Grayson. He's afraid that he will hurt her again. He knew that he'd never cheat on another soul ever again in his life but he's afraid that he'd fuck up any other way. He's sure that he doesn't have feelings for her, but something still draws him to her.

Either way, you can never be one hundred percent sure about anything.

Grayson went and changed and a frown was put upon Angelina's face. As much as she never wanted to admit it, she liked his body and she would love to see it in more ways than one.

Again, these feelings confused her but she pushed them aside.

She went into the bathroom to take a quick shower without speaking. As she showered she thought even more.

'What will I do for the rest of the trip?' 

'I hope to god I don't catch feelings. I hope to god.'

'Why did he have to be my baby daddy? Why couldn't he be ugly? Fuck.'

Grayson sat down with his two daughters and told them a story to get them to sleep, and he was trying his hardest to push his thought away about Angelina. He was sure that he'd accidentally hurt her too much for her to ever feel any feelings for him again.

He just wanted to get over himself so he can enjoy his vacation like intended.

Angelina opened up the bathroom door and turned off the light. When she stepped into the room and Grayson saw what she was wearing.

A big shirt with short shorts under them.

The shirt that she wore when he got her pregnant. She had completely forgotten what she had worn, but he remembered.

He didn't know if he was sad or turned on. "You okay? You're looking a bit pale." Angelina said walking over to him. He gulped. "I'm fine. I was just reading them to sleep." He looked over at his two girls and noticed they were both sound asleep. "Looks like you did good." Angelina giggled. She got in the bed, right besides Athena  and tried to limit her movements as much as possible. Grayson did the same.

Angelina and Grayson both faced each other. The only light in the room was the lamp on the nightstand between their two beds. "Today was fun." Angelina said, breaking the silence. "Yeah it was." Grayson licked his lips. "Wanna get our nails done tomorrow?" Grayson looked at her with amusement in his eyes. "What?" "You don't have to get color or anything. I would like it if you did." She smiled. "No. I'll get my nails done but no color." Grayson shook his head. "Flip for it?" Angelina asked. "What? No." "Why? Afraid that I'll beat you?" Angelina smirked.

Graysons eyes softened.

"Definitely not." "Okay, then flip for it." She smiled. She picked up a quarter from off of the nightstand. "Fine. I call heads." Grayson said. Angelina flipped the coin into the air and had it land into her palm. "Tails." She smiled in victory. "No fucking way." Grayson frowned. Angelina laughed. "How about pink and purple?" She asked. "Angelina please." He begged. She began to laugh harder.

"Angel." She momentarily stopped laughing due to the name he called her. The name he called her when they were together. She cleared her throat. "You'll look good in pink." She smiled. He  just groaned.
"Good night Angelina." He said turning off the light and rolling to the side. She laughed quietly to herself, knowing that he wasn't that upset anyway. She knew when he really was.

"Hey." She whispered. He turned over.

"Good night." She whispered. He gave her a toothless smile. "Good night."

Grayson rolled back over and so did she. As the two drifted to sleep they both thought the same thing.

'What am I going to do?'

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