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"Really?" Cameron said into the phone.

"I just have to. It's his kids too, you know? He's never met them and it's been four years. If I wait any longer, it can cause way more damage to their relationship."

"That's true." Cameron said through the phone.

"Do you want me to tell him?"

"Yes please." "I'm leaving tonight." Cameron's eyes went wide.


"Yeah. I'll just stay in a hotel. If he wants the kids to sleep over his house they can."

"Okay. Well, I'll go tell him and I'll tell you what he says after. Sounds good?"

"Yeah." I said softly.

"Alright. Bye." She said and hung up.

It was eight in the morning. The girls were still sleeping and I woke up earlier than them. They both tended to sleep very late.

I made scrambled eggs with avocado and potatoes on the side. It was my favorite thing to eat for breakfast, and the girls loved it too.

I woke up at six, my nerves were bothering me. I knew what had to be done, I just didn't know how. I know that I'm leaving tonight. How will Grayson react? Will he hate me?

He probably will... or won't.

"Hi mama." I heard a soft, tired voice say.

I turned around to see Athena in little fuzzy socks, and her hair was no longer in braids. "Morning baby." I smiled. She walked over to me and I picked her up and put her in the chair next to me. "Is your sister awake?" I asked facing her.

"Yeah, shes coming down." She shrugged. I went over to the stove and got the eggs for me, Aaliyah, and Athena.

I heard little tiny steps coming down. I turned around and soon enough, Aaliyah was right in front of me. "Good morning." She said as she tried to wrap her arms around me, but due to our height  difference she was up to my hips.

"Athena, how did you take out your hair but your sister didn't?" I said as I played with the four big braids in her hair. "My hair was dry." She shrugged.

"Here Aaliyah, take your food." I handed her the plate.

She was also very small, so I had to pick her up and put her on the table beside Athena. I ate beside them. Should I tell the girls about going to California now?

I gulped one last piece of my egg down. "Girls," I said, grabbing their attention. "We're going on a trip." I smiled.

"Really?" Aaliyah asked excitedly.

"Yeah. Remember when I was talking about your daddy?" They nodded. "We're going to see him. Does that sound fun?"

"Yes!" Aaliyah Shouted.

"Athena, what about you?" I questioned.

"I don't know...I heard that California is very far mama."

"It's okay. I'll be right by your side the entire time. Promise."

"Does this mean that you and daddy will get back together?" Aaliyah asked and my eyes went wide.

"No, definitely no." I shook my head. A frown was put upon their faces.

"Why?" Athena questioned

"You won't understand now. But it's way more complicated that it seems. Trust me." I said softly.

"When are we leaving?" Athena asked.

"Tonight. We won't be there by morning time though."

"Can I bring my teddy bear? I wanna show it to him!"

"Of course baby." I reassured. "Let's eat. We have a lot of work to do."

"I'm going to be leaving soon." I smiled as I was on face time with Ethan.

"I'm excited." He smiled widely. "I can't wait to see my nieces." He gushed. My smile soon turned into a frown.

"Id understand if you hate me, by the way." I said softly.

"Why would I hate you?"

"I left. I left with his kids, their Cameron and your nieces, and your parents granddaughters. If I could re do it, I would have let Grayson see them more

I said as my eyes got watery. "I understand, but it was right for you to leave. He cheated on you for an entire year straight. He didn't only lie to you Lina, he lied to everyone about her." He frowned.

My heart fluttered at the name he called me. He called me Lina when me and Grayson started dating. He said He felt like I was his other sister. That's when the nickname came in.

"Okay, but am I right for moving so far?" He stayed silent. I tried to move my eyes around to stop from crying.

"Listen, all I know is that you were hurt and you needed to leave a toxic situation. Don't feel bad for that part, okay?" I nodded as I wiped my tears away. 

"Okay." I nodded. "I have to go get my Uber. I'll see you tomorrow." I said.

"Bye Lina." He smiled. He hung up the phone.

It was 6:30. This was it,

I was going to see Grayson.

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