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"Come on mommy!" Aaliyah shouted as she was trying to pull me outside.

"Now how are we going to leave if we don't have luggage?" I questioned. She immediately dropped her arms to her sides.

"Oh." She blushed.

"Do you have everything?" I asked her.


"Athena?" I asked, Turning to her. She nodded. "Okay, get your suitcases." I didnt have to say it twice. They both ran out the door with their suitcases, clearly excited.

I let out a deep sigh, this is going to be a long trip.

I walked out into the driveway and I saw graysons mom and dad getting ready to leave. "See you in a few." Sean said to me.

I looked at him confused. "Aren't you staying in the car with us?" I asked.

"How? No car here can fit everyone. You and the girls are with grayson." Lisa smiled.

In this moment I never had felt happier to be black in my life, because my face felt like it was drained from all of its color. "Oh. Of corse." I said, faking my calmness.

"Bye." They both said. They got into their car.

Grayson came out, clearly upset with a suitcase, a blanket, and a neck pillow. "What happened to you?" I asked.

"Don't worry about it." He shook me off.


Grayson walked up to Aaliyah and Athena and bent down to their level. "Are you guys excited to go on a trip?" He asked. They both nodded their heads tiredly since it was so early in the morning. "Come on." He said grabbing their hands. He opened the back door, revealing two car seats.

I furrowed my eyebrows. "You got them both car seats?" I tilted my head. He nodded.

"Come on." He said softly as he put the girls' suit cases in the trunk. I opened the back door and sat in.

"Really? The back?" Grayson asked. I nodded. "Get in the front Angelina." He frowned.

I narrowed my eyes at him. "No." I crossed my arms over my chest. Everyone who knows me knows that once I say no, I mean it. He pressed his lips into a thin line before nodding and sitting in the front.

I woke up to being lightly shaken by four little arms. "Mommy." I heard Athena say in my ears. I opened my eyes in confusion.

"Are we here?" I asked.

"No. We're at a gas station." Grayson frowned. "Come on girls, you want any candy?" He asked. They both nodded and grabbed onto his hands and went inside the gas station.

I got out the car too to go use the bathroom. I did my business and left and went back outside. Grayson stood right in front of me and gave me a plastic bag. "What's this?" I asked. "Watermelon Arizona, a chocolate bar and starmix gummies." He said. I hid back a slight smile.

He remembered.


"Hey, wait up!" I heard from behind me. It was too dark to go to Walgreens just to get candy. I should've known that. I began to pick up my pace, and so did the guy behind me. "Hello?" He asked. As he got closer, the more familiar his voice was. "Your killing me here." He said out of breath.

I gasped. I turned around.

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