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"Grayson?" I asked. He stopped, put his hands on his knees as he bent over and breathed heavily. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry." I said running over to him. I rubbed his back since he looked so uneasy. "It's okay." He said softly. "Um," I said thinking about anything for him to drink. I then reached into my back and got a watermelon Arizona. "You don't have to-" "drink it Grayson." I cut him off. He nodded as he opened the lid and hovered the bottle over his lips and let the liquid fall into his mouth.

"You can drink it from the bottle if it's easier." I said softly. "You sure?" He questioned. I nodded. He then proceeded to take little sips from my bottle, then gave it back to me. "So," He said resting his hands on his hips. "How's your night going?" He asked and I laughed. "Wanna go sit on my porch?" I asked. He nodded and followed me.

We sat down on the stairs of my porch and stared at the street. "Again, I'm really sorry by the way." "Angel, don't apologize." Goosebumps risen onto my skin from the simple nick name. "Don't tell me what to do." I said softly. "Yeah? Or what?" He said with a glimmer in his eyes. I began to laugh. "I'll slap the shit out of you." "Do it. Hit me right here." He said pointing right on his cheek.

I raised my brow at him and he did the same. "Fine." I shrugged. I raised my hand back high to make it look like I was going to hit him hard especially when it came down fast, but when my hands hit his cheeks it was only a light tap.

At first he didn't react. "Oh shit!" Grayson said out of nowhere. He then stumbled back like I actually hit him hard. I laughed hard, smiling like an idiot. "You're so stupid." I rolled my eyes. I took a sip of my juice. "You know, we just practically kissed." Grayson said. "By me hitting you?" I said in confusion.

"No, dumbass. I drank you juice and you drank it after me." I shook my head. "I'm not a dumbass, dickhead." "I'm not a dickhead, stupid." "I'm not stupid, dummy." "I'm not a dummy, bozo." "I'm not a-" before I could get my sentence out Grayson cut me off with a kiss. I could tell he was hesitant, so I took his hands in mine and played with the back of his hair. He put his hands onto my waist and before we could go any further, we stopped. We looked at each other, out of breath and slightly flustered. "That was a real kiss." I grinned. "So, what else you got in that bag?" Grayson asked. I then pulled out a king size Hersey's chocolate bar, the rest of my juice and Haribo's star mix. "Wanna share?" "I thought you'd never ask." Grayson smiled.

My eyes nearly watered at the memory. "Thank you." I said taking the bag.

Instead of sitting in the back this time I sat in the front. I saw graysons lips curl up, but he didn't smile. He closed my door for me and went through the other side.

"Let's go." He smiled before driving.

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