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I woke up in with Grayson's arms wrapped around me still in the same position as last night.

Should I get up? I don't even want to...

Wait... where are the girls?

I turned around and looked over at the girls. They were both sleeping on the bed quietly.

Which means Lisa and Sean saw us sleeping...


I sat up and pushed all thoughts from last night away and went to the bathroom.

Last night I admitted to myself that I still felt love for him, and I can't be mad at myself for that.

I've loved that man since high school, I can't stop loving him that easily.

Even when I'm supposed to.


I feel like I just want to have a me day today.

Maybe I'll ask Grayson to watch the girls.

I brushed my teeth, washed my face, Took a shower, and walked out the bathroom.

Athena, Aaliyah, and Grayson were all sitting on the couch watching tv.

The girls were still sleeping but I guess they woke up when I was in the bathroom.

I think I should go outside by myself then. I need to clear my head.

"Hey Grayson, I'm gonna head out for a little bit." I said. He turned his head in my direction and sent me a small nod.

I quickly put on a yellow sundress and put on some sandals.

I put my hair in a bun and grabbed my phone and the key card and walked out the door.

I let out a sigh in content. I was finally alone.

There was a big outside lounging area, so that's where I went.

There was a pool, a dance station, and there was a bar for drinks.

I walked over to the bar and sat on a stool.

The bartender came up to me and sent me a light smile. "What would you like to drink?" She asked me.

"Um, can I have a pineapple smoothie-" "oh you asshole." She cut me off. I looked at her confused.

"Excuse me?" "Not you, him." She pointed behind me. I turned around and saw a man behind me.

A beautiful man actually. 

He had dark skin and short hair. He was wearing yellow shorts similar to my dress and he had no shirt on.

My god.

I went silent as he took a seat next to me. "Jeez, do you have to talk to me so rough?" He smiled.

Oh my god his smile.

"Yes I do! I told you to meet me over here like twenty minutes ago! Now shut up I have a customer here

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"Yes I do! I told you to meet me over here like twenty minutes ago! Now shut up I have a customer here."

She turned to me. "You wanted a pineapple smoothie right?" She asked me. "Yeah. Also, can you add another pineapple smoothie and two apple juices to that?" I asked, thinking about the kids and Grayson. "Coming up." She said as she was leaving to make my drinks.

"All that for one girl?" He asked me. I turned to him. "No, it's not all for me. I have twins." I said with a smile. But my smile soon faltered. I probably should not have said that to a really attractive guy...

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