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I laid in the bed on my phone. Athena and Aaliyah wanted to stay in their grandma and grandpas room tonight, which I was okay with.

I was just annoyed at the fact that I was gonna be alone all night in a room with Grayson.

I'll just ignore him for the night.

It started to rain and as time went on it rained harder and harder.

I guess I'll just go to sleep then.

I closed my phone and faced away from Grayson as I drifted to sleep.


3:32 am.

Thunder stuck loudly and immediately woke me up. I felt my heart race fast, a little to fast.

It stopped so I put my head back onto my pillow to go back to sleep but the thunder struck again. "No!" I accidentally yelled out of fear.

Grayson immediately woke up. "What happened?" He asked with a raspy voice.

When he saw me hyperventilating, and the heavy rain I could see it all clicking in his head.

"Come here." He said sticking his hand out. I shook my head.

I saw still slightly upset with him, I didn't want to be near him right now.

"Angelina, the next time you hear the thunder you're going to have a full blown panic attack. So come here." He stated.

I let out a deep breath.

I saw lightning strike and I didn't hear any thunder, but that meant the thunder would be coming soon.

I immediately got in Grayson's bed and he wrapped his arms around me tightly.

Thunder struck once again.

But this time I wasn't so scared.

I hate this.

I hate the fact that he still gives me comfort like he did years ago.

I hate it.

Thunder struck once again and Grayson squeezed me tighter against his chest.

I squeezed my eyes shut.

"I'm sorry for how I acted earlier." He apologized.

That's when I realized the whole time I was overreacting. What he did was rude, but it wasn't that mad?

Why was I acting that way?

Because I want a new excuse to hate him.

That can't be it.

Who am I kidding. I still hate him for what he did years ago. It still makes me sick to my stomach, it still makes me want to cry.

It still makes me want to punch him in the face. Why?

Because I really loved him.

And some part of me still does.

I let out a big sigh.

"It's okay Grayson, I was just being over dramatic." I said, moving around but not enough to leave his grip.

"I wasn't even mad I was just hurt." I sighed. "I don't understand why..." Grayson trailed.

"I don't either." I sighed. "Maybe it's because you've hurt me before." I said as my eyes began to water.

I felt Grayson tense up. "I'm so sorry Angelina. I know I can't make an excuse and there is nothing I can do to change how you feel about me."

"Yeah, cause when you've been cheated on by the man you've loved since high school, and have trusted, and when he's lied to you to your face over, and over, and over again, and when you've wanted nothing more than to spend your life with him it does something to you. I don't know if I'll trust ever again." I said now full in crying.

So was Grayson. "I understand if you hate me. I'm so sorry." He said as he sobbed.

"No grayson I don't hate you. As much as I want to, I don't." I said looking at him.

He looked at me and we stared at each other in silence.

"Can I fall asleep... like this?" I asked Grayson. "As long as it's raining and thundering you don't have to ask me? Okay?" He mumbled.

I nodded and we both eventually fell asleep.

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