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I let out a dry laugh. "Why would you do that?" I asked.

"I just don't want you to get hurt like when I hurt you." He frowned.

"It doesn't matter Grayson!" I whisper yelled.

"It doesn't matter that I care?"

"No! You don't care!"

"What do you mean I don't care? The only reason that I went is for you!"


"What do you mean why? I told you why!"

"No, why do you feel like you have the right to protect me? Grayson why?" I asked.

He sighed.

"I just wanted to help."

"Who gave you that responsibility though? I didn't! I would never ask anyone to do that for me, let alone you!"

"What's they supposed to mean?"

"Why would I ask the guy who cheated on me to protect me?" I said angrily.

He stayed quiet for a moment and got up.

"Forget that I ever cared."

"You know when it was your responsibility to care about me Grayson?" I asked as my eyes watered.

He looked at me but I didn't wait for his response.

"When we were fucking married! And you couldn't do it then when you were obligated to, so what makes you think you can do it now?" I asked.

He said nothing.

"Oh, okay." I snapped.

I sniffled and quickly blinked away the tears that threatened to come out. "Hey girls, do you want to come with me to grandma and grandpas room?" I asked.

They nodded and took my hand.

I took my phone and my key card and walked over to their room.

I knocked on their door to see if they would answer.

Lisa opened the door. "Hello-" she said and saw my red eyes.

"Do you want to stay here tonight?" She asked sweetly. I nodded.

"Sean, I think you should sleep in Grayson's room for tonight. It's an emergency." He got up and came to the door.

"Is everything alright Angelina?" He asked me. I shook my head no.

"I'll ask Grayson." He said and left the room.

"Go watch tv girls." I said and Aaliyah and Athena went over to the tv.

I sat at the table and Lisa did the same. "What happened?" She asked me.

I explained to her what happened.

"Oh, honey." She said sadly.

"I'm so sorry." She reached over and gave me a hug.

"I know you're upset but think about the good things. How was your date?" She asked me.

I quickly smiled. "It was good."

"That's amazing. You only have to think about the good things today alright, not the bad."

"What's going to happen tomorrow?" I asked. "Don't worry about tomorrow. You don't need to. You should probably talk to nick right now." She said.

"You're right." I nodded.

"I'm gonna go to bed, but tell me how your conversation went in the morning, okay?" She said and I nodded.

"Goodnight." She said to me.


I grabbed my phone and texted nick.

Me- first of all

nick- :o

Me: pp

Nick- is that all you had to say?

Me- yes

Nick- oh my god

Nick- I can't believe you
Feel that way

Nick- why didn't you tell me sooner

Me- because

Nick- you got a valid point

Me- thank you

Nick- so

Me- —___—

Nick- how did you like
The date?

Me- I would have liked it more if like...

Me- just kidding it was perfect :)

Nick- Angelina please

Nick- I almost had a
Heart attack

Me- :o

Me- my opinion means
so much to you that
it is heart attack inducing?

Nick- yes

Me- okay

Me- I hate you

Nick- (;'༎ຶٹ༎ຶ') I'm okay


Me- did you like out date

Nick- yes

Nick- just fucking kidding
that shit was ass


Nick- I really did have a good time though :)

Nick- second date sometime

Me- one hundred percent

Me- no

Nick- damn

Nick- heart been broke
So many time I I don't
Know what to believe 😔

Me- so

Me- where's our next date gonna be?

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