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Three day time skip

I forgave Grayson. It took two days of talking (and a little bit of yelling) but I'm fine now.

It's Christmas Eve anyway. I don't want to ruin my Holliday.

I went Christmas shopping a couple days ago and I got everyone something.

Except for Casey of course.

I sat on the outside patio with Aaliyah and Athena.

"Mommy?" Athena called. I turned over to her.

"Yes?" I smiled.

"What's gonna happen when it's over?" She asked. I looked at her confused.

"When what's over?"

"Us being here. I don't want to go back to New York and never see daddy again." Athena pouted.


I've never thought of that.

What is going to happen?

"I promise everything is going to be okay. Alright girls?" I assured. They both nodded.

I walked back inside the hotel room. Grayson was laying in bed on his phone.

"Grayson, The girls asked me a question and I think I'd like to know the answer too." I said. Grayson looked up.

"What's wrong?" He sat up and I sat on the other side of the bed.

"What's going to happen when Christmas break is over? Are the girls gonna fly to California once a month or something?" I asked.

He looked at me for a second.

"Wow, I... I never thought of that." He said and sighed.

"I don't know." He said quietly.

"I'm never moving to back California. Ever." I stated firmly.

"I know. I'd never ask you to." Be assured. I gave him a small smile. 

"I honestly wanted to live in New Jersey some time soon. Maybe this is a chance?" He asked.

I looked at him astonished. "You think so?" I asked. He nodded.

"Yeah, I wanted to buy a house there for a while. Maybe now I have a reason to." He smiled.

I nodded. "Don't tell the girls yet. I want to surprise them." He said and I nodded.

"Okay. Thank you." I smiled. I got up and I began to walk out towards the patio but I stopped for a moment.

"Are you sure?" I questioned.

"I'm positive."


I put on hoop earrings, a black dress, and black heels.

The whole family (including Casey) is going to some fancy restaurant for dinner.

Aaliyah and Athena were wearing emerald green dresses that flowed with their movements.

Grayson wore a black button down shirt and left the top open.

The restaurant was quite close to the hotel so we walked there.

Lisa, Sean, and Casey were already there. I felt my eye start to twitch as soon as I made eye contact with her.

We walked over to the table and smiled. "You can go first Angelina." Grayson said to me. Casey would be the person right across from me if I did.

"Go sit with your girlfriend Grayson." I patted his back and gave him a bitchy smile.

He look slightly annoyed but he did just that.

"Girls, are you excited for Christmas tomorrow?" Sean asked. They both nodded frantically.

"I got you something grandpa." Athena smiled.

"Oh really? What about grandma?" Sean asked.

"We got her something too." Aaliyah smiled.

Our waiter came to our table for us to order drinks.


I looked around the restaurant as everyone at the table talked.

I spotted a familiar face.


What was he doing here?

He with two girls and one guy. Nick hugged the girl that the guy was with and he kissed the other girl on the cheek and hugged her.

The guy sat next to him and the girl he hugged sat right across from him.

I stared in confusion. Is he on a double fucking date right now?

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