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"She didn't know?" Casey asked. I shook my head. "Hmm. It was worth it though, right?" I looked at her, confused. "I mean, she is pretty for a dark skinned girl."

My eyes went wide. "Excuse me?"

"What, she is pretty." Casey smiled. "But I'm prettier. That's why you chose me over her, right?"

I shook my head. "Unbelievable." I walked away. I didn't choose Casey over Angelina. I have no idea why I cheated, and why I lied. I was a horrible person back then. Im not saying I'm completely different, but I'm better than before.

I still loved her when I cheated, but the day she left was when I stopped. Now that she's back, I have no idea how I feel anymore.

I wanted kids since I was a teenager, and she knew how much fatherhood meant to me. I get why she did it, but she shouldn't have. I walked down the hallway past her door and noticed how quiet her room was. I silently opened her door and saw Angelina, Athena, and Aaliyah sleeping quietly. I then realized how beautiful my girls were, and how much Angelina changed.

Angelina's hair got longer and fuller, like she had always wanted. I knew it was her natural hair. I don't know how, but for some reason I always knew.

I looked at The twins. I realized how much they both looked like a perfect mixture of me and her.

I just wished I was around to watch them grow up. It's all my fault. I felt tears prick my eyes. Angelina started to stir in her sleep, so I closed the door. I walked upstairs into the me and casey's bedroom. I saw Casey with a black dress on, and she was putting on some earrings.

"Where are you going?" I asked as I sat on my bed.

"It's Emily's birthday, remember?" I nodded. I hated all of her friends, they were bitchy.

"Bye." She smiled.

"Bye." I was still mad at her for what she said. "Pretty for a dark skinned girl." I muttered to myself. Who says that?

Angelina is beautiful,I don't know how I let her go.

I need to do something with her and the girls to make her know that I still care. I opened up my laptop and looked for resorts. Then I finally found one, it was beautiful.

It was in Palm Springs. I told Angelina that I had always wanted to take her to this particular one, and now I get to.

I knew my mom and dad would like to go, so I booked them a room too.

Once I was finished I closed my laptop and waited for them to wake up.


I woke up with Athena by my side. I looked around for Aaliyah and she was sitting in a chair watching Tv. I didn't even know there was a TV in here...

"Daddy came in here earlier." Aaliyah said once she noticed I was awake. I nodded my head. I didn't want to see him right now.

He's not only a cheater, he's a liar. He lied to me for six years. How can a human do that to someone that cares about them?


I heard a soft knock on the door. "Aaliyah, is your mommy awake?" He said from the other side of the door.

"Yeah!" "Can I come in?" He asked softly. I rolled my eyes. "Go ahead." He peaked his head through the door. "Can we talk in my bedroom?" He asked. "Why would we do that?" I asked. "I need to talk to you." "I don't." I said as I turned away from him. "It's serious." He said. "I can't leave the girls by themselves." "Why? It's not like their going to jump out of a window." "Aaliyah has tried to do that before." Graysons lips parted in disbelief.

"Aaliyah?" He asked. "It's true daddy." He blinked rapidly. "Please?" He asked again. "Fine." I rolled my eyes.

I got up out of my bed and walked out of the room and followed Grayson to his bedroom. He proceeded to sit on his bed, but I stood by the door. He narrowed his eyes at me. "Seriously?" He asked. "I'm listening." He rolled his eyes. "Since I wanted to do something really fun for winter break, we're going to a resort in Palm Springs." He smiled.

"Is Casey going to be there?" I asked with folded arms. His smile faded. "No, I actually thought it would be best if she didn't go." He cleared his throat. "Great, I'll help the girls pack their stuff."

"You're going." He said. "What? Why?" I asked. "You're their mom. Please, just come?" He begged.

Should I go? Will I even be able to handle the fact that I'd be near him? No. But what about my girls? If they knew that I could have went and I said no they'd be devastated.

I sighed. "I guess I'll go." I frowned. "Cool. You, the twins, and my mom and dad are coming and we're leaving tomorrow. " I nodded. "I'll pack my stuff." I said quietly. "Is that all?" I asked trying to hide my attitude. "One more thing." he said. I huffed out a breath in annoyance.

"I'm sorry." he apologized. I turned to leave but Grayson ran to the door. "Please, can you just listen to me?" he asked. "What?" I said ready to slap him.  "I wish I could tell you why I did what I did, I really do." he said softly. "Then why can't you?" I spat. "Because I don't know my damn self!" he admitted. He looked at me with wide eyes. "I'm sorry." he apologized. I felt my nostrils flare up. "Why are you still with Casey?" I blurted out. "After you left, she was all that was familiar to me." he softly said.  I was pressed against the door and he stood in front of me with apologetic eyes. "I'll be nice in front of the kids." was all I said before I gripped the doorknob from behind me and exited the room.

I don't know why, but something in me didn't want to forgive Grayson, but another part of me did. "You alright?" I heard Casey ask. I looked at her confused, completely  unaware of where she came from. I looked around and realized instead of going to me room I was in the hallway crying my eyes out. I wiped my eyes immediately. "Yeah, of course." I shook off all of the feelings I had.

I would be harsh to Casey  since she knew about me and Grayson when he cheated, but I don't have enough room in my heart to be mad at another person right now. For now, at least.

I walked back into my room and saw Athena and Aaliyah playing with Barbie's together. I smiled at the cute sight, especially since they didn't notice I was there yet. I took a quick picture and set it as my lock screen. "Hey girls." I said getting their attention. "Guess what?" I said. "We're going on a cool trip with your daddy and your grandma and grandpa!" I said excitedly. "Yay!" they both shouted. "You guys didn't unpack everything, right?" I asked. They shook their heads. "Good, because we're going tomorrow." I smiled. "Yay!" they said even louder than the last time.

I just hope it goes well.

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