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I was woken up to being shaken. "What?" I groaned. "We're getting breakfast." I opened my left eye. "In pajamas?" "Yeah, it's just down stairs. Wanna go?" He asked. "No duh. I'm gonna brush my teeth." I said getting up. I saw my two beautiful girls by the sink brushing their teeth also.

I reached over and began to brush my teeth and soon enough I was done.

"Come on." Grayson said holding out his hand.

I looked at him confused, but I walked towards him anyway.

Athena then ran towards him and grabbed his hand.


I mentally facepalmed my forehead. What's the matter with me?

Grayson held the door for me and a muttered a soft 'thank you' as I walked out. We went on the elevator to go downstairs and since everyone was so tired no one tried to start a conversation.

I wasn't that hungry so I just grabbed a plate of eggs and lemonade and sat down. Grayson, Aaliyah and Athena came soon after.

"So, what are we doing today?" Grayson asked. I thought for a second, then smiled. "We're getting our nails done. Remember?" Grayson shook his head. "Please." "No mercy."

"Please!" he whisper shouted. "No mercy!" Aaliyah repeated and I Bursted into laughter. "Hey, I thought you were on my side." Grayson pouted. Athena whispered in Aaliyah's ear. "I'm on the side where you get your nails painted pink and purple." they both crossed their arms. "Unbelievable." Grayson whispered which made me laugh harder. "Don't be a pus- scaredy-cat. Its not that bad. Don't make me give you acrylics." I said and his eyes went wide. He shook his head.

"I'd look better in acrylics than you any day." He said sassily. I raised my eyebrow. "Oh, really?"

"Yes really." he nodded. "Wait, you aren't gonna make me get acrylics right?" he asked worriedly.

Me and the twins locked eyes and started laughing.


"I can't believe you made me get acrylics." he said sticking out his hands. "I know. their cool, right?" I asked and the girls started giggling. I got a pale yellow color and grayson got the same. "Hmm. This looks amazing, doesn't it?" I asked the girls.

They both nodded.

We were all walking back to the hotel now.

Grayson rolled his eyes. "Aren't you guys supposed to be on my side?" They shook their heads. "Fine. I guess you're not gonna do a giant art project with me today." He said crossing his arms and looking away dramatically.

"What?" They both said at the same time. "Yep. I bought a giant coloring sheet that we could do for a really long time. Plus we'd paint right after. But since you're not on my side..."

"No! I wanna color!" ""Hey, Grayson! Don't persuade them!" I joked.

"Oh fine. Your mommy will work on it too. You in Aaliyah?" Grayson asked. She nodded.

"That's what I'm talking about!" He said giving them both high fives.

We opened the front door to the hotel and Grayson opened a suit case with coloring supplies and multiple canvas's.

"Oh you were serious..." I said looking at the giant coloring sheet. He nodded.

"Well, come on girls. You wanna color now?" I asked.

They nodded excitedly.

Connected; sequel to baby, please.Where stories live. Discover now