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Christmas morning.

I decided to forget about what happened last night, for now.

There was no tree to put presents under so we put them in bags and just held them until we were ready.

I woke up early to make cookies, cupcakes, eggs, bacon, and pancakes. I changed into a Christmas themed onesie and so did Grayson and the girls.

Lisa and Sean knocked on the door and Grayson opened it for them. I greeted them with a hug.

I heard another knock on the door and I rolled my eyes.

"Casey." I muttered to myself.

I opened the door and gave a fake smile,  but it instantly turned into a real one. 

"Ethan! Cameron!" I yelled excitedly. I hugged them both and Grayson came around.

"Hey!" He greeted them.

I welcomed them both in and as soon as I closed the door I felt another one push it open.

I peaked my head over in confusion.

I rolled my eyes.

"I forgot about you." I whined as I saw Casey. I immediately turned around and I went to sit with Cameron.

"Hi!" She introduced herself to Aaliyah and Athena. They both gave her a tight hug. I sat back and sighed.

The sight of my family whole family together made me happy.

Yes, they are my family too.

Lisa and Sean sat with Ethan. Cameron and Grayson and Aaliyah and Athena on their laps.

This is the best Christmas ever.

I walked over to everyone. I picked up uno from from the table.

"Who wants to play uno?" I shouted.
Everyone raised their hands and we all bunched up together.

"If someone makes me draw 20 cards I'm leaving with my Christmas presents." Ethan stated.


"Can we open the presents now?" Aaliyah asked me.

"You know what? I think we should." I nodded.

"Do you guys want to open your presents now?" I shouted over the Christmas music playing.

They all agreed.

I went under my bed to grab all of the Christmas presents I bought for everyone and I sat on the carpet.

Grayson sat beside me and so did the girls.

Casey took a seat by Grayson and wrapped her arms around his bicep.

I could feel the bile rising in my throat.

"How about Aaliyah and Athena go first?" Lisa said.

Everyone gave them presents.

Except for Casey.


They both tore open their presents and screamed gratefully.

"A Nintendo switch? Thank you daddy!" Athena said and she ran over to Grayson. Aaliyah followed quickly after her and hugged him too.

How cute.

They opened the rest of their presents and they were extremely grateful.

How are we going to get on a flight back home with all of those presents? We're going to have to get another suit case.

Everyone gave me my presents. I first opened mine from Lisa and Sean.

They gave me AirPods and an Alexa.

I thanked them.

I opened everyone's present and I got to Grayson's.

I opened my present from him.

It was a little grey box that had 'Angel' carved in it.

I smiled and slowly opened the box.

It was a Cartier bracelet. "Grayson, no you didn't." I said I. Astonishment as I looked at the bracelet.

He smiled at me.

Did this man really just get me a Cartier bracelet?

I reached over and hugged him. "Thank you." I smiled.

Everyone else opened their presents.

There was so many presents to be opened I think that we were sitting around for at least an hour.

After everyone was admiring their gifts I looked around.

I then looked at Casey.

She was on her phone with all of her gifts around her.

Did she even give anyone anything?

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