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It was currently 6:30 and we were still on the coloring sheet. We were coloring a panda, so me and Athena did one side and Grayson and Aaliyah did the other.

"My mom and dad wanted to Have dinner with us." Grayson said to me. "What time?" I asked still coloring. "7:30." I looked at the time. "So you tell me an hour before?" I said, standing up. "It takes you an hour to get ready?" He asked.

"No stupid, it takes Aaliyah, Athena, and I an hour to get dressed." I said groaning.

"Okay well I'm not stupid dummy." Grayson rolled his eyes. "I'm not a dummy dumbass." I said whispering the curse word so the girls wouldn't hear.

"I'm not a-" "Shut up I'm getting dressed!" I said going through my suit case to find something for me to wear.

I got a simple pink dress with some white heals.

I picked out matching purple and orange dresses for the girls

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I picked out matching purple and orange dresses for the girls.

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Athena wore orange and Aaliyah wore purple

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Athena wore orange and Aaliyah wore purple.


I walked out of the bathroom and smoothed down my slick back bun. "Are you ready to go?" I asked Grayson.

He was on his bed and he looked up from his phone. He stopped what he was doing and just stared.

I looked at him confused. "Hello?" I asked waving my hands around. He shook his head quickly. "Uh, yeah. We're all dressed." Grayson said as he wiped his palms on his ripped jeans.

He was wearing a pink shirt similar to mine with black ripped jeans and black converse.

We were kind of all matching...

"Mommy look! Daddy said he likes my dress." Athena smiled. "Daddy's right because you look beautiful and so does your sister." I said holding her hand.

Grayson grabbed the key card and walked out with Aaliyah. I quickly followed him to the elevator.

"So where are we going?" I asked Grayson as we were leaving our hotel and getting into our Uber. "Don't worry about it." He mumbled harshly.


I sat in the back seat and stared out of the window until we got there.

We walked into the restaurant and immediately saw Graysons parents.

"Go say hi to grandma and grandpa." I said as I pushed the girls towards them.

They ran towards them without hesitation.

I brushed passed Grayson and walked towards them.

"Hey Lisa, hi Sean." I said walking towards them. They both greeted me back and I sat in the opposite side of the booth.

Aaliyah and Athena sat next to me and Grayson sat with his parents.

I ignored him the whole time. What he said may have been little but it still annoyed me. That was rude of him to talk to me the way he did before.

I'm over dramatic, I know.

But he knows that my parents used to talk to me like that. That's why I don't talk to them anymore.

Grayson made some joke, but I ignored him and excused myself to the bathroom.

As I was coming out I bumped into a hard wall. I moved my head back and noticed that 'wall' was Grayson.

I looked at him furious. "What?" I questioned. "Why are you being so mean to me?" He asked softly.

"Don't worry about it." I said quoting him. I tried to walk passed him but he took my hand and pulled me into his chest.

My angered expression was replaced with a confused one as me and Grayson's faces were only inches away from each other and his eyes got softer.

"I-I have to go." I stuttered and walked back to the table.

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