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Five years later

"Athena! Go downstairs with your sister!" I said as she was running around. "Okay, okay!"

I fixed my make up in the mirror and looked at myself.

Nick walked in with Nathaniel on his hip. I smiled at their entrance.

Nick came up behind me and hugged me.

"You ready to go down stairs?" He asked me. I nodded.

My family, his family, and Grayson's family were all downstairs.

We were all having a dinner, but I was announcing something. My engagement.

I admired my diamond ring before I grabbed it off from the sink.

"Let's go." We walked down the stairs and saw our huge family together seated at one table.

Jesus, this is only going to be a portion of our wedding. I smiled and greeted everyone at the table.

Nick handed over Nathaniel to my mom.

I stood in front of everyone. "Before we all eat I have an announcement to make!" I said over everyone's chatter."

"You're not pregnant again, are you?" My father asked me. I shook my head and laughed.

"No! It's something else." I said.

I simply held up my hand and heard gasps around the room.

The loudest were from my parents, nicks mom. Ethans girlfriend, and Grayson's girlfriend.

"You're getting married?" Nick and I's mothers both shouted at once. The room roared with laughter.

Everyone walked over to us. They either examined my ring or congratulated us.

Grayson came up to me with tears in his eyes. He gave me a huge hug.

"I'm so fucking happy for you, Angelina. You're getting what you deserve." Grayson muttered into my shoulder.

I pulled away and wiped off some of my tears.

"Just don't make me wait too long for your wedding with Gisselle, okay?" I teased.

"Trust me, I'm not." He smiled.

The end.

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