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"It's beautiful." I said in awe. There the building was, right in front of me in all its glory. "My parents already checked into their room so we don't have to wait for them."

I took my suitcase out of the trunk and grabbed Athena's hand and Aaliyah grabbed graysons.

"It's so pretty." Athena smiled. "Come on." I said walking into the front doors. I sat down with Aaliyah and Athena in the lounge area and waited for Grayson to get our keys.

After about a minute, Grayson called me over to him. "Come on." I walked up to him and looked at his hands. "Why is there only one key?" I asked. "Because there is one room."

I tried to hide the discomfort on my face but Grayson could see right through it. "Different beds though. You're fine." He mumbled. I nodded and followed him as he lead us to our room.

We walked on the stairs instead of the elevator because Athena had a fear of elevators. Soon enough, we were right in our hotel room. "Wow momma. Look, it even has a kitchen!" Athena said running to it. I held back a chuckle, I did smile though. "So what are we gonna do?" "For what?" Grayson responded. "When we sleep." "Um, I'll take Athena you'll take Aaliyah." He frowned. I have no idea why he looked so sad. I nodded. "No, I wanna take turns every day." Aaliyah said. "Sounds good." Grayson nodded. I walked to my bed and flopped down on it.

Today was a long day, judge me.

I heard the tv turn on behind me.

Soon enough, I fell asleep from being so exhausted.

I woke up to rattling behind me. I took a deep breath in and looked around. Whatever I expected, this wasn't it.

I saw Grayson in yellow swim trunks holding hands with the girls. I nearly drooled as I looked over his torso. "Did we wake you up? Sorry." Grayson apologized. "I'm just gonna go with the girls for a swim. Wanna join?" He asked. I nodded without thinking. I swallowed, hard. "You guys can go. I'll get ready and meet y'all down stairs." I said trying not to look so star struck. Grayson nodded and took the room key and walked out the door.

Has he always looked like that? Jesus, why am I thinking this way?

I got up and went through my suitcase to pick my bathing suit I was going to put on. I decided on a orange two piece swim suit. The top looked like a tube top and the bottom was just simple. I then put my hair into a bun and put on a black kimono and walked out the door.


I walked into the indoor pool and the sent of chlorine hit my nose. I heard giggles and splashes of water and I smiled, knowing it was my girls.

Aaliyah and Athena were on both sides of Grayson's shoulder and all three of them were smiling and laughing.

Oh, what a sight.

"Ali, it's mommy!" Athena shouted happily. I waved as I caught all of their attention.

I took a seat in a chair by the pool and watched them all enjoy themselves. I would join them but, I was kind of afraid to swim.

I know, what's the point of bringing a baiting suit if you're afraid to swim? The answer is, I have no idea. What's even sadder is I have two more baiting suits in my suitcase.

I began to feel left out and my attention suddenly averted to the floor instead of them. A couple moments pass and I don't even notice what's going on around me until I feel my shoulder being tapped.

"What's wrong?" Grayson asked. "Nothing, why?" I said softly. "You're by the pool. Why don't you have fun?" He asked. I remained silent. "Don't tell me you're still afraid of swimming, Lina?"

Again, silence. "You are?" He asked. I nodded. "Oh, you're swimming today." He said sticking out his hand. "Grayson." I warned. "Do you not wanna play with the girls? If that's the case I'll just go..." he mumbled. I rolled my eyes, standing up. "Fine."

"Get on the chair." He said turning around. "Why?" "You're gonna get on my back, duh." I rolled my eyes once again and did as told.

I jumped onto his back and he held the back of my legs. "Brace yourself." He mumbled as he was about to get into the water.

He dipped into the pool and to be honest, I wasn't very scared. I thought I would be, but I wasn't. "Mommy, daddy look!" Aaliyah shouted, gaining our attention.

Aaliyah was on Athena's shoulders. Grayson laughed and smiled. "Wait, are they in the deep- oh." I thought they were in the deep end of the pool but luckily they were in the shallow part.

Jesus, I don't know what I would do if it was the other way around.

"Wanna play Marco Polo?" I asked. "What's that?" Athena asked. "It's like hide and seek but with our eyes closed and you have to find us with our voice." Grayson answered. "Oh! I wanna play!" Aaliyah shouted. "Okay. Me and daddy will find you guys. You ready?" "Yeah!" They both shouted.

"One, two, three!" Grayson and I closed our eyes. "Don't kill me Grayson." I said. Grayson laughed. I removed my head from his back and put it on his shoulders.

"Marco!" Grayson shouted.

"Polo!" I heard a voice shout. Aaliyah and Athena's voice were very similar.

"Marco!" Grayson shouted again. "Polo!" "Marco!" "Polo- Ah!" I heard. I opened my eyes and saw that both of the girls were in Grayson's hands. "Got you!"Athena shouted. "No baby, it's the other way around." I laughed. "Oh. Again!"

Connected; sequel to baby, please.Where stories live. Discover now