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It just turned 4:00. Have I seriously been waiting since 12:00 for this date?

I went to the bathroom and put on my green two piece bathing suit with a cover up.

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I put my hair in two braids and put on waterproof mascara and lipgloss

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I put my hair in two braids and put on waterproof mascara and lipgloss.

Me: I'm ready :)

Nick: cool :) wanna meet me by
The lobby? I'm walking towards there

Me: alright

I closed my phone and took my key card off the table. "Have fun." I heard from behind me.

"Thanks." I said without turning around.

I walked out and walked towards the lobby.

There nick was in all of his glory.

He was wearing green swimming trunks and he had a basket with food in his hand. I laughed as I saw him.

"Coincidence?" I asked as I walked towards him.

He laughed too. "I guess so." He gave me a hug and held my hand as we walked to the beach.  "You look really beautiful." He said to me.

I gave a soft smile. I haven't heard that in a while. "You look handsome." I smiled.

I noticed the towel in nicks hand and I realized I forgot mine. "Shit." I muttered to myself.

"What's the matter?"

"I forgot my towel." I rolled my eyes.

"Just use mine." He smiled. I nodded.

We made it to the beach and set up our towels by the water.

I took off my cover up and ran towards the water. "Come on!" I shouted.

After being in the water for a while me and nick were sitting on the blanket facing each other.

"Are you ready to see it?" He asked as he held his hand over the food.

"Wait let me think." I pondered for two seconds. "Yes."

He rolled his eyes and opened the basket.

There was juice and water, fruit, four sandwiches, chips, and gummy worms.

"Nick, I could kiss you right now." I said happily. "This is so cute!" I smiled.

"Then why don't you?" He asked. I stayed silent for a moment as I looked down at his lips.

Should I kiss him right now?


I slowly leaned in as he did. I grabbed his neck softly and-

"Ahhh! Aaliyah, can you stop?" I heard.

That sounds like-

"Daddy! Aaliyah won't stop hitting me with the water!" I looked over to my far left and my blood ran hot.

It was Grayson and the girls.

"Wait a minute nick." I smiled sweetly. He nodded his head and I walked towards them.

Grayson noticed me and smiled. "Hey! I didn't know that you were gonna be here!"

My eyes narrowed at him angrily. "You didn't know? You didn't see me walk out in my bathing suit? You didn't know Grayson!"

"No I didn't-"

"Unbelievable. I honestly can't believe you, I can't believe-" I cut myself off.

I turned around. "Angelina!" He called.

I waved my hand backwards.

"Have fun Grayson." I said annoyed.

He ruined my date.

I can't believe he selfishly ruined my date.

Who does he think he is?

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