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        I walked into the room with many breakfast to go boxes in one hand and my keycard in another.

I unlocked the door and saw Grayson sitting on the couch patiently. "Is it even breakfast anymore Angelina?" He questioned.

I raised my eyebrow. "I mean, if you don't want it I'll take yours Grayson-"

"No! Thank you so much." He said as he snatched the food out from my hands.

I put the rest of the food down on the table. "Aaliyah! Athena! I got food!" I yelled and they both ran to me.

"Thank you." They both said and sat at the table.

I sat at the table and opened my box of food and Grayson moved over to the table as well.

"So, mommy," Aaliyah asked.

"Yes?" I answered as I started to dig into my food.

"Why was daddy's girlfriend here?" Aaliyah asked. I dropped my fork.

"And why did you hit her?" Athena asked. I let out a small gasp and Grayson paused.

"Athena! They weren't supposed to know that we saw!" Aaliyah rolled her eyes.

I looked at them in disbelief. "You don't need to know girls." I shook my head.

"Please, we're big girls! We should know." Aaliyah stated.

"Ask your dad." I said. We all looked over at him and he stared at us in silence.

He gave an awkward smile. "Um..." he started. "No." He began to eat his food again.

"Mommy," Athena whined.

"I'm not going to tell you to stop asking again." I sternly said.

They said nothing for a moment then they started up a new conversation.

My mind drifted to what will happen later.

What will I wear?

What will I say?

What will I tell Grayson?

I don't owe him anything, but he still has to know I'm not gonna be here later since he's gonna be with the girls.

I finished my meal and got a text from nick.

Nick: hey :)

Me: hiii

Nick: can you do five?

Me: hmm

Me: let me check my schedule

Me: no

Nick: :o

Me: sorry you loser

Nick: okay what about at like

Nick: 5:01

Me: hmmm hold on

Me: that could work :)

Nick liked your message.

Me: yeah I'll be cool around 5

Nick: alright

Nick: can't wait to see you :)

Me: me too

I put my phone down.

"Grayson I'm gonna leave around 5."

"That's cool. What's up?" He asked.

"I'm going on a date." I said confidently.

The twins giggled and Grayson paused for a moment.

"Oh that's cool. With who?" He asked.

"I guy named nick. He's really cool." I smiled.

"Nick? I don't know a nick."

"You don't need to know a nick." I answered quickly.

"You sure it's safe? I'm pretty sure you barley know him."

"That's the whole point of a date Grayson." I said annoyed.

"Hope you have fun." Was all he said.

"Thanks." I said bitterly.

I got up and washed my plate.

I went through my suit case and planned what I was gonna wear to the beach.

Connected; sequel to baby, please.Where stories live. Discover now