what's next

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I hope Jade had a great birthday i would love to wake up that sexy smile and that beath taking body before I would think any further I got cut off by one of the guy  from my gang max I think his name was i don't know really don't care to remember ." Alexander sir ..."
" Speak up boy I don't have all day !"
Alexander was growing annoyed by how the young man was acting but waited until he spoke ." S.. Sir the meeting is going begin at 12 a.and they said don't be late are things well get mess "
Is that so well we see about that "
After the young man left Alexander went back in the room to get ready on the way he  meets Jade at the door coming out of the shower .
" H.hey  way that look?"
" No worries hon just have something on my mind that's all"
" Want to talk about it?.
" Should I tell her no I won't . N.no it isn't important it well pass I have a meeting so  I'm going to be gone soon and if anything happens remember I love you ok"
" I love you too but don't talk  like that. it's not like your going to die right?".
Jade look at Alexander with worry, sadness and many other things she shouldn't show and got closer to him pulling him in to a huge . " please come back safe with out you I would be lost I wouldn't know what to do with myself".
" Come sweetheart don't say things like that you know nothing can keep me from you even death itslef ".
Alexander kisses  her lips pulling her to the bathroom to take a shower with him . there was no space between them ." Just this moment alone make me feel as if it was a life time I'm holding you in my arms and not wanting to let you go "
" You know how to make a girl fall hard for you "
" I'm only making you fall for me because I'm already madly in love with you no woman in this world get my heart pumping  as fast as you make it . Girl i don't know what kind of spell you have me under but I love it"
"S.stop your making me blush"
" I know I wouldn't mind seeing it more"
Alexander pull Jade in a deep kiss making her morn Abit she lock him in to deepen the kiss and not wanting to let go till after awhile then they finally letting go catching there breath before they could go any further a knock interrupt them.
"What is it?!"
" Alexander get your ass ready we're going to get ready to leave you can f later!!".
" That ass .. fine dumbass I'm ready anyways"
" No your not I can guess you bottnaked "
" Go f yourself !"
" I already did and it's great now get ready"
Alexander finally got ready kissing Jade an leaving.

 fine dumbass I'm ready anyways" " No your not I can guess you bottnaked "" Go f yourself !"" I already did and it's great now get ready"Alexander finally got ready kissing Jade an leaving

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