About This Book

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Please read this chapter. It might be boring and annoying but it's important.

I have school so I won't have much time. In other words, I'm not sure how quickly I'll be able to write this book.

The title of this book is oblivioni traditæ. I realized that it can't be capitalized because otherwise, Google Translate says it means 'oblivious'. While that would be an excellent title for a Newtina fanfic, that's not the title of this book. The English title for this book is Forgotten. I'm also gonna try to put a title for every chapter of this book and I'm gonna try to have them all in Latin because I really like that idea. I'll include the meanings of the titles in each chapter.

I don't remember how I came up with the idea for this book but it was originally going to be a one-shot. Then I decided I'd like it better as a whole book. Unfortunately, I was still working on Return to New York and had about 8 chapters left to write. But I started planning this book anyway. Now that I'm done, I can write this book. Yay!

When it comes to comments, they are more than welcome. I love reading all the comments, they really make my day. I just have one request. Please do not swear in the comments. I'd love it if you don't swear at all. That includes implied swearing and censored swearing so if you could keep your comments clean then that would be great. I know there many people who don't mind it but I do so I'm asking you please respect my decision.

Anyway, now that that's over, I hope you enjoy this story.

Have a good day!


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