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Tina shuffled her feet, flipping her collar up to protect her neck from the cold December wind. Newt glanced at her, a small frown on his forehead.

"Are you alright?" he asked. "Are you too cold?"

Tina shook her head. "I'm fine," she insisted. "It's just a little chilly. I'm alright though."

"Would you like my scarf?"

"No, I'm fine. We shouldn't be out here for too much longer."

Sure enough, the door opened a moment later and Jacob greeted them cheerfully.

"Come on in. Queenie's in the kitchen finishing up the food," he said.

"Thank you," Newt replied. They entered the house. He quickly pulled off his coat before helping Tina out of hers.

"Thanks," she murmured.

They moved into the dining room. The table was already set with four places and the dishes of food were settling in the middle. Queenie emerged from a doorway and offered them a smile.

"Hey there!" she grinned. "How are you guys?" Her eyes fell on Tina. "Really?" she asked.

Tina looked at her sister, a startled expression on her face. "What?"

"You asked Newt to go to the Christmas Party with you?" Queenie giggled. "Isn't it usually the other way around?"

"Well, Newt wasn't going to do it," Tina said, scowling. "He's trying not to force himself on me and doesn't seem to be realizing that I enjoy doing things with him." She offered him a smile as she spoke.

He returned her smile and the four of them took their seats at the table. Tina looked around the room.

"You have a very nice house," she observed.

"Thanks," Queenie said.

They began their meal, talking cheerfully about things that had happened since they had last seen each other. When the meal was over, Newt looked at Queenie.

Are you going to tell her? he thought.

She nodded almost imperceptibly and got to her feet.

"Teen, can I talk to you?" she said.

Tina looked up at her sister. The expression on her face startled her.

"Yeah, of course."

Queenie motioned for her to come with her so she got to her feet and followed her out of the room. They went moved back through the living room into the study.

"What's wrong?" Tina asked.

"Nothing's wrong," Queenie said with a smile.

"Then why did you look so worried?"

"I just feel like you might be upset with me."


Queenie shrugged. "Because I've waited this long to tell you something."

"Well, what is it?" 

The younger woman's face broke into a huge grin. "Jacob and I are having a baby!"

Tina stared at her sister. "Really?"

Queenie nodded.

"How long have you known?"

"Since September," Queenie admitted. "That's why we were in New York. We wanted to tell you in person."

"Then why didn't you tell me?" Tina demanded.

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