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Newt and Tina were making their way around the basement, feeding the creatures. It was the day before the book signing and Newt was very quiet, trying not to let himself get more nervous than he was.

As they moved through the basement, Newt realized he had forgotten something in his room.

"Tina," he said.


"Could you do me a favor?"

"Sure," she replied. "What is it?"

"Could you go up to my room and get something for me?" he asked.

"What is it and where do I find it?"

"There's-- On my dresser, there's a bottle of ointment in a paper bag. It's labeled 'Beak Balm'. I bought it yesterday and meant to take it down here but I had to go up to my room and then I forgot about it. Could you get that for me?"

Tina nodded and turned to make her way up the stairs. She left the basement and went up to the second floor, carefully pushing the door to Newt's room. She had never been in his room before. At least, not since the accident. 

It was a small room, the same size as Tina's and was a mirror image of hers. While her bed was on the right side of her room, his was on the left. It was covered in a blanket with a pattern made of two shades of grey. At the end of the bed was Newt's dresser. The top was covered in papers and books. A wooden box sat one side of the desk, partly off the surface. A few picture frames sat in the mess and Tina saw her own face smiling up at her from all of them. 

A small paper bag sat by the box. Tina picked it up and glanced inside. There was a small jar in it and she could make out the words 'Beak Balm' on the label. She started to turn when something caught her eye.

The box appeared to be full of dozens of letters. One on the end wasn't in the box properly and she could see part of the address.

That's my handwriting, she realized. Curiosity got the better of her and she knew she needed to know what she had said.

Setting the bag down, she picked up the box and sat down on the floor, leaning against the dresser. She pulled out the first envelope and slipped the letter out of it.

Dear Newt,

Of course I don't mind that you wrote to me. I'm glad to know that you made it back home safely. In fact, if you hadn't written soon, I'd probably have written to you to ask if you were okay.

Why am I not surprised you have a basement full of creatures. I wouldn't be surprised if your entire house is devoted to your beasts. Tell me, do you even have any room to live in your house?

You never told me about this person Bunty. Who is she?

To answer your questions, I'm doing well. My job is going great. Thank you with your help with that. I've been paired with an Auror named Alton Harper but I haven't been given a case yet. I think they still don't trust me yet.

Tina frowned slightly. Why wouldn't they trust me? she wondered. She pushed the thought away and kept reading.

Queenie, on the other hand, isn't doing so well. Losing Jacob really hit her hard. She's still just as miserable as she was when you left. I know I told we don't keep No-Majs in America but I do wish we hadn't been forced to Obliviate him.

I'd like to write more but I don't know what to say and I've things to do. I hope you'll keep writing.


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