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Tina gasped as the shed door opened to reveal a large space. The interior of the case was enormous. She was impressed. The amount of spellwork that had gone into creating that space must have taken ages.

A low hum filled her ears. She could hear the calls of many unknown creatures. Glancing around, she saw creatures flying overhead and more moving around on the ground. There were a number of large enclosures dotted around the place, most of them made of canvas held up by a wood frame.

The place felt alive. Tina felt as if she could never be unhappy down here. Part of her felt like she could stay down here forever. She felt at home.

"You made all this?" she asked, her voice full of awe.

Newt felt a small smile creep onto his lips. "Yes. I started shortly after I was expelled from school. I've been expanding it ever since. Every time I get a new creature, it gets bigger."

Tina glanced at him. "You were expelled?"

Newt blushed slightly. He hadn't meant to say that, it had just come out. "Well, yes. It's complicated. Maybe I'll tell you again someday."


"I've told you before," Newt said, a hint of sadness creeping into his voice. "You just don't remember."

Tina looked at him. She suddenly felt sorry for him, and annoyed at herself for doing so. "Look, Mr. Scamander," she said softly. "I'm sorry I don't remember who you are. I don't even remember what happened to me."

"I know," Newt murmured. "And it's not your fault. Please don't blame yourself."

"But what if it is my fault?" Tina demanded, a frown forming on her forehead. "What if my accident was something I could have avoided?"

Newt turned suddenly, grabbing Tina by the shoulders and forcing her to look at him.

"Listen to me, Tina," he said firmly. His use of her first name sent a shiver down her spine. 

"I'm sure it wasn't your fault," he insisted. "Don't you dare tell yourself that you were responsible for your accident. I'm sure if we asked Harper he'd tell you that it wasn't your fault."

"Who's Harper?" Tina asked, trying to distract herself from the feeling of Newt's hands on her shoulders.

Newt dropped his hands to his sides. "He's your partner, or was. He was the Auror who was in the room when you woke up."


"Now come," Newt said after a moment's pause. "Let me show you around."

Newt showed her around the case, telling her about the different creatures.

"What are these?" Tina asked curiously as they approached the round bamboo nest that held the Occamies.

"They're, uh, O-Occamies," Newt said. "Here." 

Tina watched as he reached out and picked up one of the blue-green, snake-like creatures. Then he turned and offered it to her.

"What?" she gasped. "You want me to hold that?"

"Are you afraid of it?" Newt teased.

"No," she said sharply. Then her voice took on a more hesitant tone. "I'm just afraid I'll hurt it."

"You won't," he assured her. "This one knows you. Just hold out your hands and I'll put him in them."

Tina hesitantly raised her hands and Newt gently placed the scaly creature on her palms. She stared at it and it turned to look at her. Their eyes met. It flapped its wings, letting out a soft call. Newt watched her carefully, looking for any sign of recognition in her eyes.

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