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Newt and Tina didn't speak for the rest of the day. Tina had retreated to her room, only coming out for supper. Neither one spoke during the meal and Tina had gone straight to her room when it was over.

Newt understood how she must be feeling. He remembered their very first kiss and how awkward the next day had been. This kiss hadn't made him feel uncomfortable, he was used to kissing her by now, but he realized that it was a completely new and strange experience for Tina.

Tina was sitting in a corner of Newt's basement, a thoughtful frown on her forehead. They had just eaten breakfast and neither of them had spoken to each other.

Staring out across the space, she raised a hand to run her fingers across her lips. Growing up, she had never wanted to kiss anyone. She had always found the thought of her lips touching someone else's disturbing and slightly disgusting. She had never understood why people said that kissing was so wonderful. Yet somehow she had wanted Newt to kiss her. And he had.

She didn't know how to feel about the kiss. However, one thing she knew was that she finally understood why people enjoyed kissing. The feeling had been wonderful and she knew she wouldn't mind kissing Newt again.

Though I don't if I'd be comfortable kissing anyone else, she realized. Somehow, Newt was different and he had been since she had first seen him when she woke up in the hospital room.

He's different because he really loves me and, before I lost my memories, I loved him. Clearly, there's a difference between thoughts and feelings. I've lost my memory but my feelings haven't changed as much. I still feel something for Newt, even if it's not as strong as it was.

"Tina?" Newt's voice came through the basement. "Are you down here?"

"Yes," she called. She got to her feet and moved to the main part of the basement. She rounded a corner and nearly walked into Newt. He jumped back, blushing slightly.

"Sorry," he stammered. "It's time to go. I've got to be at the book signing in five minutes. You can stay here if you want. Or you could go to your sister's house, though I think they're in their bakery."

"I thought I was coming with you," Tina protested.

"Oh," Newt mumbled. "I didn't know if you'd still want to."

"Of course, I do. Where's Bunty?"

"She's already gone."

"Okay. I'll just go upstairs for something and then I'll be ready," she replied.

He nodded and she slipped past him and up the stairs. She rummaged around until she found her necklace which she had taken off the evening before. Then she fastened it around her neck, the thin gold chain settling above her collarbone and making her shiver.

Leaving her room, she made her way down to the living room where Newt was waiting. He had put on his coat and was holding Tina's in one hand. She let him help her into it before quickly buttoning it up herself.

They left the house and made their way to a nearby alley. Newt hesitated. He knew he needed to take Tina's hand to Apparate but he was afraid that she wouldn't like it. He moved to take hold of her upper arm but she reached up and grasped his hand. Giving his fingers a squeeze, she offered him a small smile and he Disapparated.

Having appeared in an alley, Newt tried to release Tina's hand but she clung to him as he made his way along the street. He led her into the Leaky Cauldron.

"Hello, Scamander," the bartender called. "Big day, huh?"

"Yes," Newt said. 

"And I see Miss Goldstein's here again. Hello."

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