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"Harper and Olive are arriving on Monday, Madame Picquery is arriving next Thursday, you and Theseus are supposed to get suits tomorrow, and Queenie and Leta are dragging me off to look at dresses today," Tina listed.

Newt looked up from the bucket of feed he was sorting and watched as she paced the length of the room. "Anything else?"

"Well, Jacob's in charge of the cake and Queenie's in charge of the rest of the food. Leta's in charge of getting bridesmaids' dresses and I think this whole thing is going to end up much bigger than we wanted."

"With family like Queenie and Leta, what else did you expect?" he pointed out.

She stopped moving and dropped into the chair beside him, letting out a long sigh. "I know, but I didn't want this to be a big thing. We're both quiet people and we wanted a quiet wedding."

"It can still be a quiet wedding, darling. There won't be too many people there. Neither of us as an extensive extended family and we don't have that many close friends. All it will be is Queenie and Jacob, Theseus and Leta, Bunty, my mum, Dumbledore, Nagini, Harper and Olive, and President Picquery," he said, counting them off on his fingers. "Yusuf won't be able to make it so that's only eleven people."

"Oh, I know, but all this preparation . . . is it really necessary?"

"Be patient with them. Ours is the last wedding they'll get to plan for about twenty-five years," he reminded her. "We can always veto anything that gets too out of hand."

"Newt, have I told you I love you?"

He frowned playfully. "I hope so. Otherwise, I'm not sure what all this fuss over a wedding is about," he teased.

Tina laughed. "No, I meant today."

"Oh, in that case, I'm not sure. Maybe you should do it again, just in case."

Grinning, she got to her feet and pulled Newt's chair away from the table he was working at. Then she sank onto his lap and pressed a gentle kiss to his lips.

"I love you, Newt," she murmured.

He smiled against her mouth. "I love you too, darling."

"Is this really—" Tina started.

"Yes, it is," Queenie interrupted. "You don't want to get married in your boring, everyday clothes, do you?"

"Well, no," Tina admitted. "But do we have to make finding a dress so complicated? You keep asking me to try on dresses you know very well I won't look good in or wouldn't wear and it's making this whole process twice as long as it should."

"She's right, Queenie," Leta put in. "It is getting late, and she's only tried on about five dresses since you spent so much time studying each one even though none of them really worked on her at all."

"We have to be certain," Queenie insisted.

"Look, it doesn't have to be perfect," Tina protested.

"You say that now . . ." her sister retorted.

She rolled her eyes before reaching for her wand and performing a switching spell to change back into her regular clothes. She knew her sister well so after the second dress she had caved and begun to use magic. They were in a changing room so nobody would see, and she figured it might at least help speed up the process.

"I've never cared about clothes, especially dresses. It doesn't matter to me what I wear, what matters is that I'm marrying Newt."

"You may not care now, but you will in a few years," Queenie replied. She held up another dress. "Here, let's make a deal. You try on this last dress then we'll call it a day. If we don't like it, we'll try again tomorrow, but that means tomorrow we have to keep going until we find you a dress."

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