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Tina's eyes fluttered open as she rolled over sleepily. The other side of the bed was empty, but that wasn't anything new. Newt was always up early to feed his creatures. Then she would join him when she woke up.

This morning, however, she was surprised to see him in the room, bent over something on his dresser. His hair was a tousled mess and his shirt was untucked, and she couldn't help but smile at his unkempt appearance. 

He must have heard the blankets rustle because he turned and offered her a massive grin. Moving towards her, he crawled onto the bed and pressed a kiss to her nose. She wrinkled it with a soft laugh.

"Good morning, Mr Scamander." She offered him a sleepy smile.

"I thought we were on a first-name basis," he murmured. 

Tina shook her head. 

Newt laughed and pressed a gentle kiss to her lips. "If you say so, Mrs Scamander."

She grinned and raised a hand to pull him closer. 

"Love you," she murmured before pulling him into a kiss.

He hummed softly. "I love you too."

"Do we have to get up?" she asked when he pulled away.

"I've got work to do."

She made a noise of protest as he moved away and climbed off the bed.

"You can stay in bed if you like," he added.

She continued grumbling as she pushed the blankets away and climbed out of bed. He watched her with a fond smile on his face. Then she made her way around the bed and he pulled her into a hug, pressing a gentle kiss to her forehead.

"I wish I knew how I ended up being lucky enough to have you as my wife."

Tina let out a heavy sigh. "I wish I could remember how I ended up being lucky enough to have you as my husband."

Newt kissed her again. Then he studied her fondly as he reached up to smooth the collar of her pyjama shirt.

"Why don't you get dressed and then come downstairs for breakfast?" he suggested.

"Is it ready?" she asked with surprise.

"Not yet, but it will be soon." He began tucking in his shirt and moved back to his dresser.

Tina took a seat on the edge of the bed. "You've already fed your creatures?"


"You must have gotten up early this morning." She yawned.

"No. You got up late," Newt laughed. "You were falling asleep on your feet last night, so I let you sleep in this morning."

"Mmm. Thanks."

About half an hour later, Tina and Newt had dressed and were eating their breakfast.

"Are you ready to go back to New York tomorrow?" Newt asked.

Tina nodded. "I'll miss Queenie, but it'll be good to be home."

"Are you all packed?"

"Mostly. I'll be finished packing by tonight."

"Good. We might want to get to bed a bit earlier than normal. The boat leaves pretty early tomorrow morning," Newt reminded her.

Newt had just finished feeding his creatures when he saw Tina exit the shed. She paused and looked around, spotted him, and made her way towards him. She must have just gotten out of bed because her hair was a mess. She was barefoot and he was amused to see that she was wearing the shirt he had been wearing the day before.

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