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It was five days before Christmas and Newt was slowly cleaning out the enclosures. This was usually Bunty's job but she had left the day before to visit her family for Christmas.

"Hey, Newt."

Newt turned to see Tina approaching.


"You look stressed," she observed.

"Sorry, I've just got a lot of work. I never realize how much Bunty does for me until she's not around."

"Oh." Tina thought for a moment. "I could help you, if you want."

Newt nodded. "Sure. Why don't you feed the creatures while I continue cleaning the place?"

"You mean, I feed them by myself?" 

"You can do that, can't you?"

"But I've never done it before," she protested.

He looked at her pointedly.

"I have, haven't I," she sighed.

He nodded. "You have."

"Okay, I'll try."

She moved off and began feeding the creatures as Newt had shown her before. She made her way around the basement, saving the Nifflers for last. Everything went smoothly enough. However, when she reached the Niffler's cage, she found the door hanging open and no creatures inside.

Tina gasped. She turned on her heels and ran through the basement.

"Newt!" she called.

Newt appeared from inside an enclosure.

"What is it?"

"The Nifflers-- uh, baby Nifflers, escaped. Their cage is open," Tina gasped.

"Merlin's beard," Newt breathed. Pulling out his handkerchief, he wiped his hands clean. "Well, come on. Let's find the little buggers."

He moved off, walking around the basement, keeping an eye out for the small creatures. As he passed a low table, he heard a noise. Looking under the table, he saw Pumpernickel playing with a gold coin. 

Newt froze, watching the Niffler carefully. Then he dived under the table, snatching him off the ground.

"Got you!" he exclaimed. He came up from under the table and offered Tina a lopsided grin. She laughed.

"Well done."

"One down, three to go."

They started to move off when Tina felt something tugging on the hem of her pants. She looked down to see Pistachio clinging to the dark fabric.

"Hey, there!" she laughed, leaning down to scoop him up. He hugged her thumb in greeting. She cuddled him, looking up to see Newt watching her, a tiny smile on his lips. 

Tina tilted her head slightly. Something about his smile made her wonder what he was thinking. He looked amused but there was also a hint of sadness. 

Shaking the thoughts from her head, she grinned at him. "Two left."

"Pumpkin and Persimmon," Newt said. "Persimmon's hardest to catch. She's the naughtiest."

"Well, there's Pumpkin," Tina replied, pointing behind him. 

He turned to see the brown creature scurrying across the floor. He darted after her, diving down and scooping her off the floor. He turned to look for Tina but she was already halfway up the stairs.

As Tina had been watching Newt, a movement had caught her eye. She had turned to see Persimmon climbing the stairs and had quickly followed after her.

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