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"Newt!" Tina called.

Newt appeared in her doorway a moment later. "Yes?"

"Do you know where I keep my passport?" she asked.

"It should be in your drawer," he said, moving into her room.

"Which drawer?"

"Desk drawer." He crossed the room and pulled open the top drawer of her desk. Both Tina's MACUSA ID and passport had been tossed into the drawer. He pulled out the latter. "Here we go."

"How did you know it was in here?" she asked, taking the little book from him and looking at it. 

"You always kept it in there," Newt explained. "Besides, I saw it in there when I put your ID in the drawer."

Tina glanced at him curiously. "When did you put my ID in the drawer?" she demanded.

"We were given your ID after your accident so I just put it back where you always kept it since you wouldn't need it," he replied.

She nodded, flipping her passport open. She stifled a laugh.

"I look so different."

Newt looked over her shoulder to see the picture. He had seen it before, but it always made him smile. The young, eighteen-year-old Tina stared at him from the paper, the ghost of a smile on her lips. She had gone through so much that the fact she had been able to smile that much impressed him. Her hair was longer than he had ever seen it but it was pinned to her head in a simple hairstyle so he couldn't see just how long it was.

"How long was your hair?" he asked without thinking.

"It reached the middle of my back," she replied. "I didn't cut it until after I turned 20."

"Did Queenie style it for you?"

"No, actually. I had learned how to do my own hair. That's why it wasn't anything fancy. Queenie was still in school at this time. I got my passport when I became an Auror, or started training to become one. Of course, I've never used it."

"Yes, you have," Newt corrected her, flipping a few pages over so she could see the stamps.

"Okay, fine. I don't remember using it." She turned back to the page with the information and studied it. "It expires in two years," she observed.

"So we'll be fine for this trip," Newt said. "Now we'd better go. We don't want to miss the boat."


They left the room and pulled on their coats. Newt wrapped his scarf around his neck and the left the apartment. They Apparated to the docks and made their way to their ship. When they were on board, their passports and tickets were checked and Newt got the key to their room. Then they were led through the ship until they came to their cabin. He unlocked the door and they went in.

They found themselves in a small room with two narrow beds, one on each wall. Between them sat a small dresser. Another door led to a small bathroom.

"Well, Tina," Newt started hesitantly. "Which bed would you like?"

She shrugged. "Does it matter?"

"Not really, though I've found that you don't notice the rocking quite so much when you're closer to the center of the ship so I'd suggest that one," he replied, pointing to the bed along the wall between the room and the corridor.

"You don't want that one?" she asked.

Newt shook his head. "You can have it. I'm used to boats."

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