Chapter 5

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My heart opens up to certain people....I learn that not all needs a piece of it.

Everest POV~

I bite down on the bottom of my lips, contemplating if I should tell him or not. I mean, it doesn't look like I have any choice. My hands are over my head. My back is pressed up against the wall. I can't really do much. I really shouldn't have come! This was a bad he's going to beat me to a pole and never look back. The thought it self makes me panic.

Lucas gives me a look. "Are you going to tell me your name? We can stay like this all night." His brown eyes stare deeply into mines, waiting patiently for me. His brown hair fell in front of his face as he says this. "I'm Lucas. Now, tell me your name. Now," he demands in a deep voice, eyes getting more narrower through time.

I mine as well.....

"M-My names E-Everest....Everest S-Swan."

My words came out in a bunch of stutters. I can't help it. My heart flutters and I get caught up in stutters; what can I really say, he's handsome, it's not my fault. "Everest," he whispers over and over again, testing out my name. He then looks down at me, face getting dangerously close. "Well, Everest. I don't know why you think it's ok to come in my room in the middle of the night."

I shiver. "I-I said I was!-"

He gives me the look. Oh....right. I shut my mouth close. "You really don't listen, huh? I think I can change that." He then takes my chin. My eyes narrowing a little in confusion. What is he doing??? "You have a bruise on your cheek. Did someone hit you?-"

"No. I just fell," I whisper softly, hoping he'll buy the lie. But he didn't. He just stands there, giving me narrow eyes. This guy's way to intimidating.

"So, you're telling me a skillful ballerina just falls to the floor? Yeah, I don't think so." Lucas then moves my neck to the other side, his eyes staying on one part of my neck. It's probably the scratch from the alcohol bottle. "Tell. Me." Lucas didn't ask, he demands. It sends even more weird feelings throughout my body. It's like his words affect me somehow.

I bit down on my bottom lip even more. I need to get-

"Dude!" The door opens, Lucas moving quickly away from me. The person opening the door didn't even notice me. His full attention's on Lucas, and for some reason Lucas didn't like his presence.

The guy standing at the door has perfect tan skin with dark brown hair and light colored blue eyes. His freckles went all over hie face and didn't stop there. It went down his neck too. He also has dimples; but their both at the corners of his mouth, which isn't usually where they go. But I like them. He seems like a sweet guy.

"You're girlfriends here. And she's kinda, pissed. So you better get down stairs and calm your girl before she fights some other poor soul."

"What happened now James?"

Lucas gives the guy a bored expression.

James scratches the back of his neck, over Ana over and over, trying to think. But when Lucas growls, his whole face went bright. "Oh! Some fork tried to steal her little dog today. She also got told off by this really pregnant women at the mall."

What did she do to make the pregnant women angry? That's my question.

The guy then turns, spotting me. He gives me a small smile, then rushes away. I guess he has somewhere to be.

"You can go. But I'll see you again."

Lucas watches me fidget under his hard gaze. He then gets up, and without another word walks out the nice, large, blue covered room.

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