Chapter 9

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That's him up there:) he's very sweet! Sorry the picture isn't the best to show his face...but he looks more handsome in person....anywwwaaaaaysss. I took this off his snap since we do that all the time.

We went to the chocolate factory for a field trip and he bought me a heart full of chocolates at the little cute store.
He's such a great friend😊

Oh, and I almost passed out from the fumes and it was that's why I didn't post yesterday. Sorry lol.

I low key think he enjoys making me brush because he laughs every time....Sorry! I'm so awkward....I don't know what to do lol...and he drops random compliments. Idk...he's just genuine.

Sorry. Back the story...


I can't believe Lucas made him cry. Everest just looked so angry and helpless; I think he said something to them, and regretted it deeply. He told me what he said later on when we got back home. He even repeated all the savage things he said. Now, he's in a bad mood.

But it's starting to get better.

He's been dancing way more in the studio. And I know he does it for the purpose of release. I do it sometimes too, I can't lie. It's a good way for him to let his feelings out, even if it's through dance.

His dancing....

By the way he moves, you can tell he's sad. The way he elegantly leaps through the air. The way he spins. The way he stops with a agonizing expression. He can't take this side of him. The rude side of him. And it breaks my heart.

He's not sorry for what he said to Tiffany and Lucas. He's just sorry for how he said it. And I understand completely.

Maybe when he gets better I could take him out to a movie or something. Make him show me that beautiful smile, and bring those large twinkles in his eyes again without a trace of
sadness. It's horrible seeing him so sad; It's depressing watching him cry his eyes out; It's just incredibly sad.

You would think he could take this. He said all those things from the heart.

I guess he's to fragile.

But I have a theory.

I think he's afraid; I think he's afraid that when he says something bad, it triggers the things his father said to him. Just maybe, that's the reason for his incredibly sad mood.

I have to do something!

"Everest," I call out with a firm tone. He's startled by my firm voice, but tries to hide it. I can see fear in his eyes. But it quickly goes away once he sees me. There's something seriously wrong with him....I need to tell his mom about it.....he might need therapy. I not this in my brain for later on.

"Yes Ash?" Everest looks up at me with stunning sea green eyes. His eyes are brighter than his mother by a tone, cover in long, incredibly thick, black eyelashes. One eye is bluer than the other which makes it....."Ash? Hello? Are you ok? What's wrong?"

I blink for a few minutes, scratching the back of my head in a awkward manner. "Sorry."

Everest came closer to me. "Are you sure?"

His soft voice hits me in waves, his sunflower color hair shining brightly in the sun. I blink again....."um......" why am I getting nervous?

The nerves in my body then goes away replaced with this newly confusion. But that goes away quickly, realizing the concern expression on his face.

"Um....Oh! Yeah!....umm....." I scratch the back of my head, my dark black curly hair falling in my face. "I was wondering if you would like to go to the movies with'll be nice to go out and have some fun. I think you've been stressing out and..." I'm rambling!

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