Authors Note!!! Serious problem

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So, everyone's wondering why I jumped off the edge of a cliff and never came back; Well, I have medical problems that I currently still withholding, and my parents are wanting me to get a job so that I can help out around the place, which I'm okay with since I really need to get a job. I plan on going to trade school so I can be a EMT, then after those 6 months I plan on going back into college and being a surgeon just like my mom....a heart one since it's a legacy from my family.

I'm a senior in high school, so it's kinda rough for me right me. People have been literally ATTACKING ME with harsh words about dropping this book....I'm not dropping it.

My eyesight has been getting terribly bad so I have to get glasses, which I won't be getting until I'm off vacation for the summer. It hurts to even write this....that's how bad it is.

Plus, I have to get ready to sing for many, MANY school things and non-school related things.

I'm writing songs, poems, all these things...but I can't because my eyes are in pain and right now, that's what's happening. Plus, my boyfriend has been feeeling like I'm avoiding him, which by the way I'm not♥️ I care about him dearly and feel comfortable around him...he even came out to his parents which was a huge step in our relationship.

I just want y'all to know that I love u all dearly and want you all to know I didn't attend on stopping. My heart aches because I can't get my thoughts off somewhere, and HuskayaKen13 is one of the few who's been checking up on me to see if I was doing good and I'm thankful for that.

It sucks because I don't want people disliking me over something I can't help...I should've been more honest about my situation, but I wouldn't want to put my problems on top of some else's who's probably going over things way worse.

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