Chapter 8

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                            's my face since you guys don't know what I look like. Ugly, I know. But it's whatever...I took this on a field trip to the cheese cake factory. I hate school...but this was fun.

I'll show you the guy who wants to make my covers in the next chapter...I have to ask him if he has Snapchat or something....I've never let people see my face sooo please don't go in on me lol. I know my lips are was hot in there. And I HATE taking pictures...traumatizing when people are looking at u.

And yes, I have dreads. But I take them down all the time. I need to get them done though😂

My blue UK hoodie is ruined by the way l!! So R.I.P

Everest POV~

"No. Stay."

His fingers graces my face to my shock and his eyes are fill with concern and guilt. My heart beats faster and faster; it beats so fast it makes me want to cry, and I don't feel like crying. I just need a break.

I stare up at him with disbelief. He's still caressing my face, wiping the tears away. But I know he's doing it out of guilt and nothing else. It makes me even more sad. My hearts going wild and I can't seem to stop it. Why do I like him? He's totally opposite of me....

I just sit there in his arms, staring down at the ground watching my tears plummet on the floor. I quickly stop watching it though when he pulls away.

"Tiffany," he grumbles under his breath harshly.

Right on cue, the thot of the year walks through the door. Her brunette hair bounces up and down in newlywed curls, and her blue eyes pop out more with crazy amount of eyeliner and eyeshadow. She looks fake now. And I'm not talking bout the makeup. I'm talking about her personality.

She stops when she sees me on the ground, glaring. "What the hell is this bitch doing still here? He's fucking poor! Lucas, babe. Escort him out please." She stops on the ground like a toddler, pointing her finger at me in disgust.

That's it!!!

"Yeah. You would know all about escorting, right?" I raise my eyebrows at her and she gasps. Lucas eyes went wide too. Yeah, I went there. "Oh, here's an advice. If you keep opening your legs to people, your vagina will start sagging. But the good thing is, you won't need to ride a plane. You can just flap your saggy, musty, crusty, dusty, rusty, blue waffle infected vagina skin, and sore high up in the sky. Maybe then you can meet the angels. They can help you with your FAKE personality and purify you with STD savior spray."

"Everest..." Lucas growls at me, my sea green eyes glaring daggers at him. "Stop it or else-"

"I've seen more intelligence in the crotch lice of harem whores," I add quickly, making Tiffany scream at me.

"Go back to you're whore of a father and get the fuck out of our house!!! You're nothing but dirt! You fucking faggot!"

I glare at her. I get up from off the floor, slinging my backpack over my shoulder. I then put up all my fingers. "Roses are red, violets are blue, I have five fingers, the middle one is for you bitch." I stick both my middle fingers out and then look over at Lucas who's standing there with narrow eyes. "Never talk to me again, Lucas. Don't ask to study with me ever too."

This makes him frown, but I don't care.

I'll be damned if I let this girl step all over me again. I can't stand her. But it's ok, cause I'll just leave Lucas and her alone. They obviously don't need my company and I don't care. If Lucas actually cares, he would have stopped her idiocy towards me.

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