Chapter 15

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Go check this book of mines out! I have the trailer and everything. (Do you like the cover? I'm the Bomb at photoshop. But I messed up a little on this one.)

Now that that's over😅 um....Yeah. So me and him went on a date, and it was sweet, and I mean really sweet. But it got kinda ruined when it started to rain...but we ended up just sitting in his car watching Netflix on his laptop. (AND BEFORE U SAY ANYTHING WE DIDN'T CHILL OR DO ANYTHING NAUGHTY) not yet anyways....JK!JK...;)

But we hung out. We talked about a lot of interesting things going on in the world. Then he said something about my lips being plump and soft....and completed my hair and made very very dirty jokes about playing in it, if you know what I mean....TMI....I know...sorry🤧

I asked him if he was out yet...cause I'm not, yet I'm here writing stories on Wattpad.....Don't know how my parents haven't found out. Anywaaaayyyyss.

He's out. And his parents don't care. I wish I was lucky like that....mines aren't the most opened minded people.

Oh and I got mistaken as a girl today like usual at school by a bunch of guys...(supposedly I'm a Trap or something like that...please tell me what that means.)

There might be a few mistakes here and there since I got a new laptop!!

Everest POV ~

"Here's your menus." The redheads girl sets a few menus down in front of us, a glass of water, and a light cider. Chips and spinach. My favorite actually. As she hands this stuff over, I go ahead and have a small bite of my own, already feeling overwhelmingly hungry. "Welp! That's my shift. See you guys never."

Greg chokes on his drink while I choke on my chip....OWWW! That was painfully funny, literally. As I sit there, and gulp down a tone of water, my eyes catches onto someone staring at me from a distance.

Everything around me freezes.

The way the man stares at me is very intimidating. The man's hair is a fury red, and his skin's like milk: eyes a dark emerald green, very broad looking, has a go-t, and lastly, the thing that mostly sticks out to me, is his mouth ring. From a distant it looks like a snake.

This man's very scary....

I'm not even joking. If I was alone, on the street, with nothing, and he was following me. I would have pissed myself. He's frighteningly handsome too. Oh goodness....he just winked at me.

The next thing you know someone's fist comes flying....hitting the red head squared in the jaw.

* * *

Lucas POV~

That motherfucker actually decided to come. Finally....we can talk business. I'm not happy. I'm not angry. I'm just there, looking at him. He's gotten taller since the last time I saw him; he also glowed up a lot to, and I'm being honest to all the people out there in the world about this statement. His hair surprising got even more redder....maybe he dyed it?

"We'll take that table over there..." Marcus points over to the one in the furthest corner of course. "And I'll pay extra for the curtains and more...."

The blonde lady shakes her head. "We've already have reservations-" Marcus scoffs.

"Good to know." Marcus usual grin made the poor women shiver. Her hands grips the clip board hard with admits fear. Her brown eyes widens even more when he roughly grabs her wrist. "Tell them someone more important and powerful had taken their place." His eyes evilly gleams down at the women; while they're looking at each other, I'm scanning the area.

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