Chapter 33

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Really don't have anything to say actually, which is a first:) I hope you guys enjoy this chapter.

To my shock Jeremy brought out his car and drove me back home. The whole ride home was quiet and awkward. He kept talking about how dangerous his brother was and that he would talk to him about me. So, I was thankful. The moment we'd pulled up to my house he rushed me out of the car and drove off, without even saying goodbye. "Um..." how am I going to explain my disappearance? Oh YEAH! I just went with a bunch of people who had this large mansion and thought the man taking care of me was a murder, but turns out to be his brother who's still looking for me. I can't win at all. Seriously, why does life have to be so freaking complicated.

The way the door just stands made me nervous to even go around it.

All I have to do is go in there and explain why I was missing. Ok.....Walking up to the door I'm meet with pure silence. The silence creeped me out to the core, and for a moment I wondered if anyone was actually home. But I didn't stay thinking. I just knocked on the door, and as soon as I knocked the door swung open and Lucas brown eyes meet mines; I stared at his eyes and saw how dark they looked, and how tired he seemed. "E-Everest? Y-" before he could finish he wraps his thick arms around my waist and sighs; The small breaths coming from out of his mouth tickled the back of my neck greatly, and I finally felt safe. "Where the fuck did you go? I've been up looking all over for you and...and're finally here," he tiredly tells me in a rough voice.

"Yeah, I am. I'm here." Before I knew it his lips smacks up against mines and my hear started beating wildly in my chest. His hands slid down to my cheeks and just rested there as he kissed me passionately, full of lust and attention. He even slammed me against the wall to my shock and started sucking harshly on my neck. This felt amazing. "You're. Mine. You got that flower boy. All. Mine." He bites down onto my left ear lobe causing a shock of surprise to flutter through me. "I want to know...did anyone touch you?-"

"I wasn't...I was in a coma. Some girl helped me, along side her twin brother and boss." I didn't lie to him. I'm telling the truth and nothing but the truth; Even though, I'm hiding like a lot from him. "Why are you here though at my house?" His brown eyes slightly closes. Goodness, he can't sleep standing up. "Lucas, you're-"

"-Nope! No, I'm awake. Good and refreshed." He isn't good or refreshed. He needs to go to sleep right now. "Don't worry, Everest. I'll be alright. Um....what was your question again? I didn't really hear you."

For a moment I was caught off guard until I remember. "Why are you at my parents house? Shouldn't you be at home getting some rest, some practice, you know, with your boxing. This isn't good for your body." Waving me off he heads into the house, not before screaming out my name as loud as he possible could. "Lu-"

Footsteps up the stairs and down the stairs fills my ears up, my eyes going wide when Ash picks me up and twirls me around. Then my mom comes out of nowhere, starts crying, and then grabbing my cheeks with shaking hands, while leaving kiss marks all over my cheeks. Greg just stood at the door with his small smile. Relief obviously played on his face from what I could see. "You're ok," my mother choked out with tears in her eyes. My eyes start to tear up because her eyes tears up; Yeah, I'm one of those people. "My little boy's home."

"Where were you?! You fucking vanished out of then air and...I-I thought you were fucking dead!" Ash grips his hair roughly, Payton to my surprise grabbing his hand and then scolding him as if he were a child; I definitely missed a lot. "Sorry, it is just hard, right now." The funny thing is, Payton was way more innocent looking, yet ash looked afraid of him. He also looks healthier now.

"Everest, he was in a coma."

"A coma?"

"Yeah, a coma," I justify, my head beating fast in my chest when Lucas wrapped his arms around my waist and snuggled his head in the cracks of my neck. This action made my mom and Greg raise eyebrows, but my mom had to be herself and smile brightly. " you have anything I could eat? I'm starving," I say softly, and immediately Mom and Greg goes into the kitchen, leaving the younger kids outside to talk. "I'm sorry...I-"

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