Chapter 31

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How have you guys been so far? I want to hear all about it...PLUS I THINK WE HAVE TWO LOVERS HE-.....*cough*

Sorry. Anyway, the trip took a long time and it's gonna be hard to find WiFi here. But I'll try my best to update everyday. Like, I'm serious....I have so much on my mind and I just need to write it down. Seriously need to start now.

Oh! And Andre wants some help with his name for his new profile, and I'm not good at all. I just made up my name and I think that's the last time something good happens with me doing names and what most.


Jeremy leaves the room and for a good moment I thought, in that very moment, something didn't feel right. But that feeling has been growing ever since the incident with Brittney. The way she died was a horrible death, and someone like her doesn't deserve it; even though she did something I didn't like, there must have had some sort of reason behind it. Her and I have been great friends. So, she wouldn't hurt me for know reason. Sometimes I see her when I close my eyes. I see her and she doesn't see me.

Imagine watching someone for so many years just disappear out of existence, and never see you again, speak to you, walk with you and in my case, dance with you. Never having the person smile or laugh....the weird thing is...I've only seen her smiling when she danced. People assumed she was a psychopath: She lied a lot of the time, never showed any empathy for other people, and constantly risked her life over things I've never thought to hear her do. But she wasn't any of those things.

Maybe she'd lied for a reason.

I've lied to my father many of times throughout my life; lied when I was angry at him because I knew I would get a beaten if I admit I was, lied when I came home late after spending time with Katy. I've lied so many times to him. He'd even call me out for being gay at the time. I was, obviously gay to the core, but didn't want him to find out....I would most likely be dead if he had ever known.

Just thinking about these things made me blood squirm. It was horrible to ever think someone like him was capable of having sex with a girl who has known him since...diaper years. It's just crazy. The thought itself makes me feel sick and having to see the video of my dad ramming himself in her makes me want to vomit. And no one is to blame but Jessica. She didn't need to show me. I was already traumatized. Still am to be completely and utterly honest. For someone to be bold and show me my own father doing that to my friend is sickening. It just shows how many bad people are in the world.

And to think I was going to....I just can't fathom....

I sigh when I make it into the room and immediately sit down, already tired. But I had to hold off. The sweater on my bed and black jeans reminded me that I needed to take a long and nice shower, something I haven't had in probably the amount of days I've been here. So, I took the time to enter the bathroom and let's just was absolutely everything I imagined a celebrities bathroom would look like. Describing it would be overly hard. There's no way...the only word that can come to mind is beautiful.

A tub the size of a car sends a spark of awe throughout my spin, and the four sinks laid itself out in a perfect roll without any flaws. The amount of soup around the edges of the bathtub made me feel...amused; why should you have so many soap in one setting. The whole time I wondered what it would be like to just have Lucas here with me. We really haven't started our relationship yet, haven't gone on a date, or done anything that has to do with cuddling. All we did was kiss...but I want to experience more.

"Oh..." in the mirror my left eye-more around it-looks brown from where the person had punched me. Looks painful, but I don't really feel it anyone. My bottom lip is slightly cut and my nose looks slightly bruised too, but not as bad as I thought. "Wait till Katy sees me. She'll be upset," I sigh slightly. I grab the bottom hems of my shirt and lift it over my head, the pants coming right after before emerging myself through the surprisingly perfect temp water. "Wow....Hmm...." the water reaches my neck, like it was going to choke me right then and there but didn't. Instead it hugged me with welcome arms. This is nice. I thought with a small smile.

As I'm sitting in the bath I open my eyes and catch sight of...a remote? Oh, right, the tv...The idea of watching tv and bathing sounds quite nice right now, really nice. I grab the remote and push the power bottom. The tv appears on and for a few minutes I just start scrolling through the channels until I found the news...and I kept it on there.

"19 years old girl Lillian Mcgrady says she saw a man dragging what looked like a body, throwing it over a bridge, driving off, and then coming back 5 minutes later to grab what is seen to be the persons body. The FBI and surprisingly the CIA are working to together to find out if this is a body, or if the girl Lillian was possible mislead by the fact it was simple shaped as one..." My chest sinks into my chest.

The frown on my face grows a little bit. This has to be Brittney, right? Right? "...Oh...Ok. Yeah..." someone comes over to the person talking and hands her some papers, her eyebrows raising up when she realizes there's more. " seems we have a missing person who's actually quite known for their performances and great smiles, and the fact he's missing has friends and family worried. The family paid someone, a FBI agent by the name Jane Doe and her partner Greg Stern to find this young individual. It'll be nice if you guys could help out if you see this boy...." for a moment I stared at the tv, and saw myself.

My sea green eyes shone brightly with care and hippiness. Everything else she said came off weird. It was like she was under water or something. "Oh my gosh...." A nothing picture comes up too and then my mom stands outside our house, her eyes puffy with tears .

"...he's a wonderful boy. Um...Katy said he went out to her some things that she really needed...lady stuff. Ever since then he hasn't shown up. I try calling him, but nothing..." Where is my phone? It should have been in my pockets. "I-I just....." my eyes flicker back to my mom. Fresh tears sprout out from her eyes and for a moment guilt crept up to me, and then I felt worried.

I need to get home.

As I'm heading out of the bath I grab a towel and dry myself. I then grab the remote, about to turn the tv off when I saw Lucas. "...he was sleeping beside me and then he was just gone. He told me his friend, Brittney...he went to her house and saw her dead....he went to the police station and the officer he was talking with thought he was crazy. I think he's telling the truth. I know he is." His brown eyes melt through the tv and...he looked dead. He looked as if he hasn't slept in days. "When did he go missing?" Someone asked him.

"2 week ago. We've been looking for him and tried to not...have his friends worry. But we had to tell the world. We need help....I need him back-"

"No," I croak out. "No, no, no." I back away from the tv.

Jeremy told me I was knocked out for 3 days. There's no way I could've been asleep for 2 weeks straight unless I was in a coma....but if I was in one then why would he lie? Why lie? There's something he's not telling me and I want out now. I slip my outfit on and run. I rub right out of the bathroom and soon as I got to my door I just stopped; I'll look very suspicious if I just run. "Hey-" "ahh!" I screamed. The person behind me jumps and screams too.

"Shh...I'm sorry," Evelyn tells me with her hands over her heart and mines over, well mines. "Shit. I'm sorry. I was just cleaning your room when I saw you running, then you just stopped and looked sad and scared. Are you ok?" I sit down on the bed with my hands in my hair. Not long after I felt the bed get heavier. "What's wrong?"

The look on my face only tenses up. "I'm fine. I just have a lot going on in my mind." The small frown comes automatically, a smile trying its hardest to come through the sadness. "I just miss my mom, that's all."

She nods. "Can't really relate....but..." She pauses for a few minutes and then sighs, her brown eyes glancing over at my dresser. "When I was younger I felt as if the world hated me. That was till Jeremy found me. He bought my brother and I and signed the papers...he was a teenager when he did that. We were 16 about to turn 17 in a week." She sighs. "He wasn't the nicer person at first, and then he grew attached to us. It was nice..." Evelyn smiles. "He even let us call him by his first name! Mr. Dronel didn't go right with him or....Honey, you ok?"

The paleness on my face went even more pale. Mr. Dronel....he's the person who's suppose to find me...oh my gosh. "A-Are you-"

                 "Are you ok? What's wrong?l

Sorry it's short, but I have to get off this roof and get on ground...Yes, I'm on a roof to get wifi.

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