Chapter 22

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Sorry I didn't pose earlier! Had to do the SAT's today and let's just say it's a pain in my butt.

Oh! And if you haven't checked out Enemies Turns Into Love plzzzzzz do!! It's already so good! I'm actually excited for these two books!!

Oh! And Andre had went out on vacation with his parents which is kinda sad, but he literally FaceTimes me all the time—literally left yesterday. So I'm going to be alone....but that'll mean more chapters down the road!

Oh! And my birthdays this Thursday!! I'm actually excited to spend it!

I hope you enjoy lol! Tomorrow's gonna be a hard day!

And sorry if I write bad! My brains completely fried lol!

In the air held nothing but sudden stillness and harsh echoing of screams in the night. My brain feels like it's about to explode and my heart feels like, like it's somewhere else; this most be some sort of dream. Lucas actually likes me? My eyes flashes open, really quickly.

Have you've ever thought you were falling, but you were in the bed, asleep? That literally just happened to me and I can't put my finger on why it's happening now, or maybe it's because of the...






All these things run through my mind at the exact same time so you must know how painful that must be, to me, and everyone else around me. Actually....not everyone....just me. But I believe somewhere down the road that I'll be ok, that everything will be fine; but that's only false beliefs. "Maybe I should just runaway," I whisper quietly under my breath. If I do this, I'll be losing everything, "I can't do that, not when I just found my mother and Lucas." Maybe we're going to fast already and I'm just now noticing that.


Ash stands right at my door and I couldn't have been any happier. I was quite happy actually, to see him stand there with a smile on his face and not that awful, horrid, devastated look; and I'm not stupid to think it finally went away and he was now magically happy, to you know, find out I'm not into him. Yes, he's an amazing human bean and I think he deserves better. He deserves someone who is also perfect.

His beautiful blue eyes sparkles brightly at me: never have I ever seen someone's eyes that color before, which is hard to believe since blue really isn't the rarest color of eyes. I think green is? Or red? Yellow? I don't know, but I like them. But I think it isn't as attracting as it is with brown eyes. Maybe it's because I have brighter eyes! I think that makes since...

I'm attracted to the opposite of me.

I guess that's my type I guess. I really didn't think of myself as the liking a 'bad boy' type.

I smile, "hi," and gesture for him to come and sit by me. I didn't want to make things awkward. "Ash," I frown, seeing as he haven't moved yet. He gave me a small frown right afterwards, then his face went blank. "Ash?"

"Could we take a ride somewhere?" His eyebrows raised up just a little. And the look he gave me, pure nervousness and excitement flowing through the air; so that made me a little curious. After a few minutes he sighs. "I won't flirt with you or anything, I promise. I respect your decision..even if I don't like it..." he takes in a few deep breaths. He also rubs his tired eyes on his sleeves. "Um....We're going somewhere to talk, just us."

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