Chapter 24

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So, there's this school thing where kids can try out for modeling, which is insane; so my friend forcefully put me in the system and we did a little photoshoot, even though I hate taking pictures. (I forced her into it too and Andre, who's coming back next week!!!)

It was fun. But I'll rather read😪😂 and it was awkward because everyone on the bus had watched me and my friend take pictures.

It's up there. Do u think I shouldn't send it? I mean, I'm more of a 'i'll rather stay in bed,' type of guy, and the way she made me pose and put up my hair made me look like a girl😂 I was SHOCKED...I'm still kinda shock to be honest.

Anyways!! My boyfriend made this really cute fanfic of the zombie apocalypse and he's the main character, and he gets to meet ME in it and he wrote some really sweet things about me in it and it was actually really good.

Should I show you guys? I could if you want!!!

Oh! And the whole great friend liking me thing is getting really weird...I received a Easter egg with a heart and there was another said, "I'm as tall as a basketball player, as strong as a track star, and have brown eyes that can catch any guy or girl with adorable cuteness. I'm like Peter Parker in a way, but I'm nowhere near shy..."

WTF! Am I just slow or is that basically any guy at my school: all tall, most have brown eyes....and if this person thinks I'll look for them then...they'll be waiting for a long time👀

Anyways! I hope you enjoy the book and my rants of life:)


"I'm telling the truth officer! The man was talking about how he'd killed Brittney...the man brought up my name and now I'm afraid he's going to come after me!-"

"Sir, calm down. Have you been taking any drugs of any sort? Medicine? Alcohol-" I groan out loudly and lay back into my chair, the officer in front of me writing down a few things; this guy hasn't been doing his job right and I really, really want to talk to someone else about this situation.

"You are not listening to me! Ok! I saw a shadow of a man in Brittney's house, and I saw him dragging what looked like to be a body bag!" I grab onto the officers hand and frown; this man needs to believe me or else, I might just go crazy and have an anxiety attack. "Can I speak to someone else, please?"

"Do you know what the man looks like?" The Officer discard my request and starts readying out his pencil, but I stop him.

I shook my head, "no, I don't know what he'd look like," the officer starts getting up out of irritation, but I grab him quickly by the wrist, assuring him that I have more information though. "But I had gotten someone's name! Mr. Dronel....he's the guy who's searching up my name right now as we speak-"

"So you don't know what this man looks like?"

In disbelief I stand up and walk away. "I can't," I breath out in annoyance. About to walk away I feel the officers hand wrap around my wrist and spin me around, and my immediate reaction was to stare at the spot he'd grabbed me at, and that's when I saw something that sent my blood cold. On his wrist is a small ring...and on that ring is the exact spider I saw inside the house; the one I saw in the blood of my friends house. "I-I have to go-"

"Really? So soon?" The police officers sharp jawline clenches and his muscles through his uniform seemed to grow bigger somehow. I looked behind his ear to see this rather big tattoo and saw an eagle....the one I saw on that van earlier. "Why don't you just sit down, hm?" My brows broke out in sweat and with a reluctant step I made my way back to my seat; while doing so I secretly take out my phone to call someone when I realized that I couldn't.

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