ritual part 2

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Issei sighed before straightening up and walking into the next room he and aine found grayfia standing in the centre of the room releasing a lot of power and aura.

"Welcome to the final test. This one is exclusive for Issei alone." Satan yellow said

Issei stepped forward and nodded towards satan yellow to continue. Satan yellow then said "The test is pretty simple. All you have to do is to land a hit on me."

Issei actually smirked at that while Aines eyes widened in worry. Despite not knowing who satan yellow was she could tell that the power being exuded was only a bare minimum of a maous full power.

Issei on the other hand removed his jacket and cracked his neck before disappearing in a burst of speed which was faster than his usual output showing of the results of his training. He reappeared right in front of satan yellow and reared back his fist before throwing a strong punch at satan yellow.

Satan yellow merely deflected his punch away before connecting a vicious haymaker into his stomach causing him to rocket of into the wall. Aine eyes widened she knew that maous were strong but to shrugg of an Attack from Issei so easily was fearsome.

Issei soon stepped out of the rubble his smirk gone. His eyes were now hardened and held a steely undertone to them. He stared at satan yellow for a few moments somehow he could practically taste the smirk she held behind her mask.

"Arent you going to attack?" She drawled out.

"Oh I am I was going through some battle simulations and found out that I have only one chance at this so I might as well go all out." Issei replied before he raised his aura. As he did his eyes suddenly slitted while blueish white scales began to grow over his body.

He then inhaled a deep breath in before shouting "ICE DRAGON EMPERORS ROARRR!" A much larger stream of Ice was fired from his mouth before it hurtled over to grayfia, who merely raised her aura even further which created a shield that blocked Isseis projectile.

Issei took this oppertunity to try and blind side grayfia as he coated his hands in the power of destruction. He then appeared behind her and threw a punch at her. Grayfia just tilted her head to side letting his punch go through before she reversed her elbow and hit him on the face, making him stagger back. However grayfia this time didnt let up and kicked Issei on the side sending him hurtling into an other wall.

Issei once again groaned in pain, he was 100 % sure that several of his bones had already been broken. He however pushed all of that to the back of his mind he had more important things to deal with. Standing up once again he concentrated his power of destruction and his ice together before creating a bluish black orb in his hands. He then shouted "CATACLYSM OF COCTYUS." Before throwing the orb towards satan yellow.

The orb enlarged it self as it moved towards satan yellow who was forced to jump away before firing a strong magical attack of her own that collided with the ever growing orb after which both attacks cancelled each other out. Satan yellow then took the initiative and charged at Issei he was able to dodge the first 2 punches before a kick sent him hurtling into a wall.

"(Thats enough now Issei use me now. You wont be able to handle any more of her attacks in your base form.)" Albion mentally said receiving a nod of understanding from Issei.

It was then that grayfia appeared infront of Issei and punched him. To both her and aines surprise he caught the fist with his hand before looking up with a grin. It was then that the divine dividing appeared on his back as Albion roared out "(VANISHING DRAGON BALANCE BREAKER.)"

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