The opening wave

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Everyone was on gaurd as they looked on in the smoke from where the voice had just come in. When the smoke cleared two figures were seen floating in the air. One of them was dressed in silver robe had pale skin along with silvery purple hair that reached the mid back, this was Loki the god of mischief from asgard. The second figure was dressed in full black with black orbs and hair, this one was the god of chaos from the slavic faction.

Before Sirzechs or any of the faction leaders could react the representatives and chief guard of the two factions shouted out "Loki sama what are you doing here?" Rossweisse shouted.

"Riz sama why are you attacking our allies?" Kirito asked as he stared at the figure clad in black.

"Didn't you hear what I just said children we are here to ensure that this alliance never sees the light of day." Riz coldly stated as he eyed the gathering with the disdain clear in his eyes.

"You should stop I am sure that the allall fathers of both factions will forgive you if you turn yourselves in." Rossweisse said as she tried to plead her case with the two gods.

"Make no mistake we are here to stop our fathers from making the grave mistake of consorting with a lower specie." Loki said with a sneer towards the devils.

Then without a warning both of the gods fired attacks aimed at Rossweisse hoping to put her out to get to Odin, since ot was a known fact that Asgards all father viewed the young valkyrie as his own granddaughter.

Rossweisse herself froze when she saw the gigantic torrent of magic coming towards her. She knew that she wouldn't be able to block it and the people capable of blocking it were to far back. Because of that she just closed her eyes and accepted her fate. Soon the magical attack hit her a small explosion ensued.

"Rossweisse chan!" Odin shouted out in shock before he turned to loki and began to glare at him. However before he could speak or even raise his power a voice cut through the tense silence.

"You know that wasn't a very nice thing to do." Everyone then turned towards to the smoke which had now cleared showing of Issei in his scail mail with his durandal being held forth in a defensive stance. Rossweisse was behind him her eyes wide in shock and a little gratitude.

"Interesting. I heard that the white dragon emperor of this generation was rather strong but to see him take a combined attack from two gods and still come out unscathed shows a lot. How did you do it boy?" Riz asked as he stared at Issei.

"Simple I just use my abilities very efficiently." Issei said as he pointed to his gear and his sword.

"I see. It seems I may just enjoy fighting you." Riz said as he ignored every thing before firing a blast of concentrated chaos magic at Issei who channelled his magic into his sword before swinging it down and cutting the chaos magic itself.

"Durandal is the strongest holy sword their is. At full power it can cut down even destruction itself. Don't underestimate its power with such a weak attack Slavic God of chaos." Issei said as he pointed his blade at The black clad God.

However before the inevitable fight could begin 3 green magic circles appeared around the two rogue gods before it took the shape of a pyramid. "Beezelbub." Loki muttered before he and Riz were transported away.

And wity that the tension in the room had been temporarily abated. Sirzechs after addressing the young devils and sending them home, with the exception of Issei and his peerage, turned to Ajuka and said " So where are they and how much time do we have?"

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