A bit of this

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"Im sorry, Im sorry, Im sorry." Issei chanted despondently as he cried into his hands.

"Shh, shh It will be alright Issei sama. Please tell me what happened." Ravel said as she wrapped her arms around him and pulled him into her chest.

After a few minutes of sobbing he started speaking brokenly. Narrating everything he had learnt in these past few days, to his actual conversation with Diodera, his brutal slaughter of dioderas peerage, then killing asia to torturing Diodera and finally killing Shalba.

Once he was done Ravel once again pulled him into her bosom tightly hugging him as she said "You didnt do anything wrong Issei sama. You gave into your emotions against people who were already broken and wished for reprieve. I am pretty sure that when death finally took them they would've thanked you. As for torturing Diodera it was nothing wrong, Lucifer sama and beezelbub sama would have done much worse to him had he shown them the same things he showed you and they are just devils. You are both a devil and a dragon your connection to your emotions is larger than normal, so don't blame yourself." She softly finished.

Despite Albions assurances Issei felt light to hear those words coming from the outside. Not only that the arguement was sound and it made him feel calm. Gently removing himself from her embrace he said "Thank you for that Ravel chan, I needed that."

Ravel blushed at the soft look in his eyes and stammered out "I-its n-n-nothing Issei sama."

Now smiling at her slight discomfort he realised that he didnt really give ravel the kind of attention that he gave the other girls and had ignored her for a while. Knowing that she had feelings just as strong as those as the others for him made him feel guilty about not noticing it early. Sighing he decided that it was time to pay Ravel back for everything she had done for him. Including the impromptu therapy session tonight.

"Must you be so formal with Ravel chan? Call be Ise or Ise kun like the others do. Ok?" He asked her with a hint of smile on his face.

Her face reddened automatically and she managed to stutter out a "Hai Ise kun." All the while as she stared at the floor.

Deciding to go the distance he placed a hand on check and softly stroked it before he leaned forward and gave her a soft and unsuspecting chaste kiss on the lips. Breaking away after a few moments he looked over to Ravel and had to stifle a fond chuckle when he saw that her face was stuck in the kissing position with a look of pure bliss etched on it.

Chuckling to himself he went to his room hoping to get a good nights rest. Finding Aine in bed he smiled to himself before going to the washroom to get ready. Soon after he joined Aine in bed and was about to sleep when he felt Aine lightly shaking as she slept. Slight whimpers escaping her mouth as she slept.

Frowning to himself he knew that something must have gone wrong in the battle. Wrapping both of his arms around her he pulled her on to his chest before sleeping. Hoping to give her the comfort she needed. It did help as Aine stopped whimpering and soon nuzzled into him as the fitful nightmares finally left her allowing her to rest without problems.

(The next morning)

The feeling of the sunlight on her face was what Aine woke up to. Despite the worrying news she had heard yesterday she felt relatively light and quiet relaxed. There was however a nagging worry on what she had heard of her brother.

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