battle viewpoint part 3

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AN:- Well I want to first start by saying thank you. We finally crossed the 100k word mark. It honestly feels surreal. When I started the story I didnt think It would reach this size, but here we are and we will only continue to grow. This was only possible because of the support that you guys have given me since I started writing. Thank you, thank you very much. You guys are awesome, I hope you guys keep reading and enjoying it.Without further ado let us proceed towards the chapter.

(Vali and Kirito vs Loki)

"So I am facing this generations red dragon emperor and the infamous black swordsman from the slavic faction, how fun. You may just make it not boring for me."

"Keep talking in the end we shall be the ones who will emerge victorious." Kirito said as he nodded to vali before dashing towards loki at high speeds with two black blades in his hands.

He then swiped his swords downwards towards Loki who blocked both of his swords with one hand while his other hand fired of a magical attack at Vali who immediately boosted his power before punching through the magical attack.

Using the excess power collect Vali made two large orbs of red magical and then said "Oi get out of the way Giant twin dragon shot." He shouted releasing both the orbs towards Loki who had been sent flying towards Vali via a reverse kick to the back from kirito.

Loki however wasnt a god for nothing he halted himself middair before erecting a shield that stopped the two red energy orbs in their path. He then sped up towards Vali and engaged him in hand to hand combat all the while creating a few magical constructs that dealt with Kirito.

Vali was currently hardpressed in keeping up with loki and decided that it would be best if he started kicking it up a notch. Ddraig in response silently started boosting up and 15 boosts later he let the power explode up. Using the new energy he caught loki of guard and managed to hit him with a combo of solid impacts sending him towards a now free and ready Kirito who swung both of his swords causing loki to crash into the ground.

"Heh, this is getting interesting, why don't we kick it up a notch boys?" Loki said before he disappeared and appeared behind the two of them and fired of a large torrent of magic causing both Vali and Kirito to hurtle towards the ground, both of them landing just a few metres from where Aine and the others were waiting.

Loki looked around and frowned when he saw that his children and grandchildren were defeated. Tching in annoyance he said " You're annoying, now I will personally have to kill all of you, and bring forth a beautiful ragnorak." Loki shouted as he pointed both of his hands into the sky and began channelling in a massive amount of magic.

Rossweisses eyes widened up to epic proportions when she realised what loki was attempting to do. "Loki Sama dont do it, you will cause the entire dimensional gap to collapse.!" Rossweisse shouted out pleading to loki to stop.

"No! Nothing will stop me from getting my ragnorak!" Loki screamed as he released a colossal amount of magic into the dimension gap. When the wave was over he maniacally grinned at The fighters below him and said "Boom." As he finished waves upon waves of purple lightening fell from the sky and onto the fighters blow causing a massive explosion to fill the area.

It took a few minutes for the smoke to clear revealing that everyone was alive but fairly injured. The only ones capable of continuing the fight were Vali, Aine and Rossweisse. Aine looked around to her injured peerage members and said "Ravel darling as soon as you are done administer the pheonix tears to everyone. In the mean time we will try to buy you more time. Rossweisse san how much longer until the molnjr arrives?"

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