Chapter 4

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I have looked at you in millions of ways and I have loved you in each

 I have looked at you in millions of ways and I have loved you in each

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Sexual content up ahead (not smut though)

As me and Yoongi were driving side by side my phone started ringing. We stopped at a red light and picked it up. The caller ID said
Yoongles 💜🎵🐱
I picked up but put on the Bluetooth so I could hear it through the speakers of my car because don't use your phone while driving.

Yoongi's POV
I already had the Bluetooth activated on my car and phone so I just clicked on the name
Baby Sis 💝🤟🤩
and the phone ringing sounded through the speakers. We stopped at a red light and she picked up.

Y/N: Yeah?
Yoongi: You must be hungry so let's stop by to get some food at my friends restaurant.
Y/N: Oh thank gosh! I was starving!
Yoongi: Ok I'll show you where it is. Follow me.

I hung up the phone and started following Yoongi when the light turned green. Around ten minutes later we stopped by at a cute restaurant that had a bakery in it too! The building just said NamJin on the outside but one you enter, the bakery had a sign over it that said NamJin Sweets. And the restaurant said NamJin Grub. We were approaching the man that was taking people to their tables and Yoongi smiled seeing him.

Yoongi: Could I get a table for two please?

The unknown man who just now looked up immediately smiled at Yoongi, showing his dimples.

??: Yoongi! How've you been? It's been so long.

The hug each other smiling.

Yoongi: Y/N, this is one of my closest friends Namjoon. Namjoon this is Y/N. My little sister I was talking about.

Namjoon holds his hand out for me to shake it.

Namjoon: Hi Y/N. I'm Namjoon it's great to finally meet you.

I smile back shaking his hand.

Y/N: Hi Namjoon. I'm as you know Y/N. It's great to meet you.

Namjoon leads us to a table then sends someone to take our orders. After our orders are took I look at Yoongi.

Y/N: Is he the owner?
Yoongi: Yeah. Him and his boyfriend Jin who I'm also very close with own this place.
Y/N: Wow I love it here! Who ever had the idea to put a bakery in here is a genius.
??: Why thank you.

I jump startled by the voice of a man that's right next to our table. I look up and see Namjoon with an other man standing.

Yoongi: Jin!

He gets up and they hug.

Yoongi: Y/N this is Jin. The other owner of the restaurant.
Jin: Or how she said the "genius." You must be Y/N! I've heard many things about you and don't worry only good things.
Y/N: Yes I am. You must be Jin nice to meet you.

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