Chapter 8

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I need you like a heart needs a beat

Jungkook's POV When I get home I throw my stuff on the floor and go towards my room

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Jungkook's POV
When I get home I throw my stuff on the floor and go towards my room. I let myself flop onto the bed, letting out a sigh. Doesn't Y/N know how much I love her? I've loved her since we were teens. I feel so stupid for not making her be officially mine in the past. And after that anger tantrum I had earlier, I doubt she wants to still be with me. I get up to go shower. After I finish I throw on a pair of sweatpants. I decided to go to sleep early. It was only 9:30pm. Just as I laid down I heard knocking at my penthouse door. I thrash around since I was annoyed somebody came to bother me while I was just getting comfortable. Once I get to the door I look through the peep hole. I see fire engine red hair. Arina. Only she would come to my penthouse knocking like a crazy person. You know what not today Satan. I sit on the couch waiting for her to leave. She starts knocking on the door again, this time while yelling.

Arina: Jungkook I know you're in there. I need to talk to you about our marriage.

She starts knocking again.

Arina: Koooooook?!

I get my phone and call the downstairs desk.

Receptionist: Good evening Mr. Jeon. How can I help you?
Jungkook: Hi. Uhm could you send security up here? I got a crazy lady at my door who keeps yelling and won't leave.
Receptionist: Of course Mr. Jeon. We are terribly sorry.
Mr. Jeon: It's fine. Thank you.

I laugh silently. Bye bye crazy bitch....well at least for now. I sit by waiting for security to come and get her. Around two minutes later I heard Arina talking angrily.

Arina: Excuse me. Do you know who I am?!
Security Guard 1: Well according to Mr. Jeon a "crazy lady."

I hear Arina gasp. Then only silence followed. I smile victoriously and make my way to go back to my bed. I fall asleep thinking of Y/N and what to do to make her forgive me.

Next morning

I drag myself out of bed. I feel nervousness in the pit of my stomach. Will Jungkook still be mad at me? Will he agree to go out with me and Yoongi on Saturday? Not to mention that Saturday is literally tomorrow. I sigh getting into the shower. I dry my hair putting curling it lightly before getting dressed.

 I dry my hair putting curling it lightly before getting dressed

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I say goodbye to Yoongi before heading out. I drive to the company with nervousness still in the pit of my stomach. Once I pull up into the parking space I take deep breathes.

Y/N: Don't overreact Y/N. Everything will be fine.............hopefully.

I walk into the building and talk with Jennie who was already waiting for me. We talked for a bit before I felt someone pick me up by the waist, putting me over their shoulder. I notice it was Jungkook. He puts one of his arms on the bottom of my skirt so I won't flash anybody. I look up and see Jennie smirking teasingly at me. I roll my eyes at her before beginning to thrash around in his hold. His grip just gets tighter which makes me squeal. He chuckles at the squeaky noise that comes out of my mouth. Once we arrived at our office he puts me down and closes the door before hugging me and pressing kisses all over my face and neck. It tickles so I start laughing a little. I try to push him off telling his it tickles but he doesn't budge. He continues giving me cute pecks telling me "I'm sorry" and "I love you" over and over again. Welp I'm soft. I finally manage to push him off. I stand on my tippy toes and press my lips onto his. He gladly returns the favor as he kisses back and wraps his arms around my waist. After we pull away we lean our foreheads against each other's.

Y/N: So Yoongi invited the both of us for dinner tomorrow evening. Will you be able to come with me?

His eyes lighten up at my statement.

Jungkook: I'll do anything for my Baby Doll. Of course I will go.

Authors Note
Sorry for any errors.

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