Chapter 19

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Mrs. Min:'re gay?
Mr. Min: Y/N.....I saw on the news that Jungkook was married.

Y/N and Yoongi's breath got caught in their throats. Jimin looked down while Jungkook turned his head to not face them. They all took a deep breathe before explaining everything.

Yoongi: Mom....Dad...I'm not gay.
Mrs. Min: But you're—
Yoongi: I'm bisexual. I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier, I-I was just worried about what you would think. I'm really sorry but I love Jimin so so much. He's the love of my life I can't bare to let him go.
Jimin: Mr. and Mrs. Min I love Yoongi so much. He was my first love and is my only love. I've never loved anyone other than your son.

The two parents take a deep breathe before turning to Y/N and Jungkook. Jungkook was now looking at them while his arm was wrapped around Y/N's shoulders.

Y/N: Mom, Dad. Yes Jungkook is married.
Mrs. Min: Y/N! I can't believe—
Jungkook: Mrs.Min please don't raise your voice at Y/N and let us explain.

She quiets down and gives them all her attention.

Jungkook: Yes I am married. But it was my dads idea. He arranged a marriage between me and his friends daughter, Arina. We married a while after all of you left, I didn't want to marry her but I was forced. But we don't live together and I've never touched her in a intimate way or anything like that. I can't stand her. You can even ask Jennie for the wedding ceremony video and see the fiasco that went down that day.
Yoongi: It's true the video is hilarious—
Y/N: Yoongi!

Yoongi chuckles while apologizing.

Y/N still can't believe that Jennie actually showed Yoongi and her the video of Jungkook getting married to Arina.  It was weird for Y/N to see her boyfriends wedding ceremony but she forgot all about it when she saw bodyguards dragging Jungkook down the aisle.

Mr. and Mrs. Min looked at both of their children with blank eyes. They didn't get a reaction out of them, not even a disappointed one. Soon enough their mother broke the blank stare by looking down with a deep sigh.

Mrs. Min: Yoongi, Y/N we love you guys very much and you know that. We have always supported you two in everything that you've done.

Always supported. Why did she say that in past tense. Did she not support what they were doing now? Y/N understood her situation but she was more worried about them not supporting Yoongi.

Mrs. Min: And we will continue to do so. You'll always be our kids and we'll always be your parents. 

Mr.Min: Yoongi you have me and your mother support. Your sexuality doesn't matter as long as you are happy that all that matters. Y/N we understand that you and Jungkook were childhood best friend and now that you met each other again its obvious that you two were going to end up together no matter what. So if you're happy we're happy.

Mrs. Min: As for Jimin and Jungkook......

the two men stared at her in anticipating what she would say next.

Mrs. Min: Welcome to the family you two.

Both Jungkook and Jimin broke out into the biggest smiles you could ever imagine while the two siblings but their hands on their chest breathing out a sigh of relief. They all got up and did a group hug. Soon the waiter came and apologized to them for the long wait with the excuse of "we though the chicken was dead but it was very much still alive and it began to terrorize everyone in the kitchen." Everyone laughed at that. The dinner went by with the Mr. and Mrs. Min getting to know Jungkook and Jimin, well mostly Jimin since they already knew Jungkook but they were just catching up with him. Y/N felt relieved that her parents were okay with her relationship. Yoongi was happy that his parents accepted him and Jimin. But what they didn't know was that the two men weren't just dating. They were engaged. What better time could there be too abruptly tell your parents that you're getting married very very soon? Because to Yoongi the time was now or never.

Yoongi: Mom and Dad me and Jimin have an announcement to make.

Y/N along with Jungkook's eyes widened. Yoongi got up then grabbed Jimin's hand making him. stand also.

Yoongi: Me and Jimin are engaged.

He gave Jimin a peck on the lips before sitting back down. His parents sat there in complete. shock over what just came out of Yoongi's mouth. Y/N was waiting for a storm to brew but she calmed down once her parents let out a smile. At that moment all four young adults knew everything was going to be alright.

Mrs. Min: Congrats Yoongi and Jimin. When will the wedding be?
Yoongi: Next month.....
Mr. Min: So soon?!
Jimin: Well we've actually been engaged for a while we were just nervous on how to come out about it.

The parents nodded and gave them their blessing even though Yoongi would've made Jimin his husband no matter what they said.

Hope you enjoyed sorry for the late update! Anyways I'm watching the BBMA's and I loved Ariana Grande's performance! BTS winning the Top Duo/Group award made me scream and want to cry, they've come so far and will continue to rise. And TXT is going to release a English version to Cat & Dog so I'm very happy.

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