Chapter 11

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Where there is love there is life

 Where there is love there is life

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Next Morning

I try to sit up but find myself being pulled back down into a hard chest.


Jungkook: Why are trying to leave so soon?

He pouts drawing circles on my bare stomach. I chuckle lightly snuggling my face into his chest.

Y/N: You're already awake?
Jungkook: Mhm. I've been up for the last ten minutes.

He says while running his hand through my hair. I just stay still enjoying his comfort, I feel the space next to me become empty as I'm gently placed on the bed, off of Jungkook's chest. I look up to see him hovering over me leaning closer to my neck. He places sweet kisses on the hickeys he made last night. I trace my hand over the few hickeys I left on his chest and abs, as well as one on his neck. He closes the space between his face and my neck as he starts to kiss then suck gently. I gasp out at the sudden sensation, I weakly attempt to push him off saying the excuse of "it tickles."

Jungkook: You weren't saying it tickles last night Baby Doll.

I suddenly feel something against my entrance making me moan out in anticipation. Jungkook turns my face to look at him, I nod giving him permission. He slips in making both of us moan in pleasure.

A while later

Jungkook collapses next to me sweaty and panting while I'm still trying to catch my breath. We both get up to go shower since he insists on showering together. Once we get out he lends me one of his hoodies to put on. Right now I'm currently laying on top of Jungkook on his couch watching a movie while he gives my head kisses and runs his hand up and down my back.

Jungkook: I love you so much. So so much Baby Doll.

He pulls my face up towards his gently placing his lips on mine. I love how he just randomly tells me how much he loves me. Through this kiss I mumble,

Y/N: I love you too.

Our make out session was cut short by my phone ringing. It scared me so I fell off Jungkook's body onto the floor. I groan out in pain while giving a thumbs up.

Y/N: Could've been worse.

Jungkook laughs before helping me get up. I get my phone to answer the call without looking at the caller ID.

On the phone
Yoongi: Hey where you at?
Y/N: Oh sorry I forgot to tell you. I spent the night at Jungkook's.
Yoongi: ......................
Y/N: Yoongi?
Y/N: SHUT UP! I bet you did the same with Jimin last night.
Yoongi: ....................
Yoongi: Touché lil sis, touché.
Y/N: Anyways I'll see you when I get back. Bye Yoongs.
Yoongi: Bye kid. Love you.
Y/N: Love you too.
End of phone call

I turn around laughing to myself about Yoongi's reaction. I'm met with the face of a smirking Jungkook.

Jungkook: Correction. You got the Kookie not one but two times. One in the night and another just a few hours—
Y/N: I have exited the chat.

I jokingly walk away to get my things.

Jungkook: No! I was just joking! Don't leave yet!

He throws himself onto my legs hugging them like a koala. I try to shake him off but it's no use.

Y/N: Ok! Ok! I was just joking!

Authors Notes
Sorry for any errors

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