Chapter 16

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In a room full of art I'd still stare at you

Y/N's POV When I arrived home I saw Yoongi in the living room with his head phones and notebook out working on new songs

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When I arrived home I saw Yoongi in the living room with his head phones and notebook out working on new songs. I smile, I love how he's so passionate about his music. I go towards him give him a kiss on the cheek and he presses a kiss on my forehead. I go into my room to shower. When I come back out I dry my hair then slip on my pajamas to continue working on a few things. At around 9:40pm I get a FaceTime call on my laptop from Jungkook.

On the call
Y/N: Hey!
Jungkook: Hey Baby Doll.
Y/N: Oh so I forgot to tell you something.
Jungkook: What is it?
Y/N: My parents are coming to visit in two days.
Jungkook: ...........
Y/N: Babe? I mean you've met them before. They love you.
Y/N: Kookie! Calm down! You don't need to ge anything besides they're only staying for two days. And they won't be staying with me. They're going to be staying at Jimin and Yoongi's new place. But Jimin and Yoongi are going to be staying with me. Since my parents don't know about Jimin yet.
Jungkook: But still! I need to go shopping Baby Doll I'll see you tomorrow! Bye love you!
End of call

I don't have time to respond since he basically smacks his laptop shut. I chuckle clicking on my work tab and continuing to work. I finished everything and then FaceTimed Jennie.

On the call
Jennie: Oh Y/N! You're not getting BunBun back.
Y/N: Hey that's my son.
Jennie: Not anymore honey. Not anymore.
Y/N: Ok sweetie. Well I just wanted to check up on BunBun but since he's next to you sleeping, I'm going to head to sleep also. See you tomorrow.
Jennie: Night honey.
End of call

I fall asleep worrying on behalf of Yoongi of what my parents will think of Jimin.

Jungkook's POV
After I hung up with Y/N I threw on a T-Shirt with jeans and a pair of shoes. I run out of my penthouse getting my car keys and running to my car. Once I get to the mall that's thankfully not closing until 12:00am. I run into a jewelry store but realize I need to put on my face mask before anyone recognizes me. I get it out of my pocket and place it on my face. I go towards the necklaces trying to choose one for Y/N's mom. I ended up choosing one that had a infinity sign with small diamonds encrusted into it. Then I go over to the watch section and buy her dad a new Rolex. I go to check out but then heard a camera flash. My eyes widen and I look at the window to see paparazzi with notebooks and cameras. I'm actually pretty surprised that whenever I go out with Y/N nobody follows or recognizes me. I quickly pay for the two items and go out facing a small mod of paparazzi's who want to know what I was buying.

Jungkook: Ok everyone listen up!

The immediately quiet down thinking I'm going to tell them.

Jungkook: What I'm buying is none of you're damn business so go home!

I walk away towards my car still being followed by them. I quickly put the car in drive and speed out of the mall parking lot. It's already 11:07pm. I sigh thinking about what I'm going to have to tell Y/N's parents when they get here. How am I going to explain that I'm dating their daughter while I have a wife?

A/N Important
So I have five other Jungkook fanfics in the making but I don't know if I should publish a few already. Your thoughts?

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