Chapter 13

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Call me selfish.
But I can't share you with anyone else.

Y/N's POV I can't believe he got us a puppy

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I can't believe he got us a puppy. I turn my attention back to our video chat.

Y/N: Why did you want to get us a puppy? Jungkook: I mean why not? We're mature enough and we should have experience in how to care for another living thing

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Y/N: Why did you want to get us a puppy?
Jungkook: I mean why not? We're mature enough and we should have experience in how to care for another living thing. Since one day we'll both be parents to our beautiful kids.

He wants to have kids with me?

Y/N: You want to have kids together?
Jungkook: Obviously I do. I want to see you all plump and cute. I can already imagine it.

I roll my eyes.

Y/N: Yeah since you won't be the one carrying it.

He just laughs.

Jungkook: It's getting late Baby Doll. You and our child need some sleep.
Y/N: Let me say goodbye to the baby first.

He puts the puppy so he's facing the camera. I start making kissing noises and talking in a baby voice.

Y/N: Good night my little baby dumpling. Mommy loves you already. I'll see you soon baby.

The puppy starts squirming around and begins wagging his tail, a sign that he's happy. Jungkook laughs kissing the puppy on his nose.

Jungkook: Goodnight my Baby Doll I love you.
Y/N: I love you too Kookie. Goodnight.

I end the video call and fall onto my bed smiling to myself.

Next Morning

My alarm goes off waking me up. I do what I do every morning then change into my outfit.

I go into the kitchen and see Yoongi talking on the phone

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I go into the kitchen and see Yoongi talking on the phone. He smiles at me then kisses my forehead. He mouths that he's talking to Jimin which brings a smile to my face. Jimin really changed Yoongi. And I thank him for that. I grab a bowl of fruit and eat it before brushing my teeth and going out to my car. Once I get to the company I check my phone and see that I'm twenty minutes early. I go inside and see that Jennie has also just arrived since she's just putting her things down on her reception desk.

Y/N: I arrived early today.

She turns to look at me and she smiles cockily.

Jennie: Quit the small talk tell me what happened on Saturday!

She drags me behind her desk. I laugh at her eagerness to know everything.

Y/N: Well we went and met Yoongi's Fiancé.
Jennie: Yoongi's engaged?!

I put my hand over her mouth telling her to quiet down. Since Yoongi is a celebrity he doesn't want the public to know he's getting married yet for Jimin's sake. But he said it was fine if I told Jennie.

Y/N: SHHHHH! Yes he is but you can't tell anyone.

She nods so I take my hand off her mouth.

Jennie: What's his Fiancé's name?
Y/N: His name is Jimin. And he met him in England.
Jennie: Awww. That's so cute! When's the wedding?
Y/N: Next month and he said to give you an invitation when they arrive.
Jennie: Ok! Now about you and Jungkook.

She starts wiggling her eyebrows and I turn bright red. Her eyes widen.


I smack my hand over he mouth again, this time she licked it making me wipe it on her blouse. She smiles innocently at me.

Y/N: Long story short yes we did. But be quiet!

She starts running around while fan girling. Gosh I can't with her sometimes. When she finishes I tell her about the puppy which makes her fan girl even more. After she runs a few more laps around the desk she sits back down next to me. We start talking about random things while more and more employees show up for work, including Arina. Finally around fifteen minutes later Jungkook arrives. Holding our puppy. He sees me and grabs the puppy's paw to make him wave at me. I start squealing over the cuteness over load. He begins walking over to where me and Jennie were. I get out from behind the desk to go hug him. He kisses my forehead then lightly pecks my lips. He hands me the puppy and I snuggle him into my chest.

Y/N: Whats his name?
Jungkook: I was actually waiting for you to help me pick out a name. After all he is both of ours.
Y/N: What about BunBun?

Jungkook does a cute nose scrunch and smiles while placing his hands around my waist pulling me closer.

Jungkook: I love that.

I turn and see Jennie taking a photo of us.

Jennie: That's my new wallpaper!

Arina's POV
I walk into the building with my heels clicking on the floor. I see Y/N talking with Jennie. I should say something about what I saw, but I'm going to wait until both Jungkook and Y/N are alone together. I'll make sure to burst their happy bubble. I sit on a chair and use my phone. Then I saw the girl next to me point at something then talked about a cute puppy. I turned around and saw Jungkook walking in with a cute, black, and fluffy dog. I wonder who it's for? It can't be for Y/N. Right?
When I saw him walking over to where Y/N and Jennie were my hopes were crushed. Y/N hugs him the he pecks her lips. He gives her the puppy then she puts it against her chest. I get a bit closer to be able to hear what they're saying.

Y/N: Whats his name?
Jungkook: I was actually waiting for you to help me pick out a name. After all he is both of ours.
Y/N: What about BunBun?

Jungkook makes a facial expression with his nose.

Jungkook: I love that.

I hear a click followed by a flash. I turn to see Jennie holding her phone taking a picture of them. I'll admit it looked like a cute photo. Since Jungkook has his hands around her waist while she held the puppy in her hands looking up at him. How come all the times I asked him for a dog he never got me one? But Y/N didn't even have to ask and she got one. Ugh I sound like a five year old now. Great. Just great.

Authors Note
Hope you enjoyed.

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