Chapter 17

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When I saw you I fell in love, and you smiled because you knew

Time skip to when Y/N's parents arrive
(And don't worry BunBun is now with Jungkook. After about four hours of trying to catch Jennie to make her give BunBun back.....worth it.)

I'm standing in the airport with Yoongi next to me. My heart was beating anxiously and I could tell Yoongi was nervous too, by the way his hands were now fists and his nails were probably digging into his skin. He's most likely think about how he's going to come out to our parents tomorrow. And most important of all how he's going to introduce them to Jimin. While I'm thinking about how they're going to take me being with Jungkook even though he's married. But I'm sure once we explain everything they'll understand. Hopefully. I turn to Yoongi who's nervously gnawing on his lip. I place my hand on his shoulder as he turns to face me giving me a sweet, smile. We stand in silence, but a comfortable silence, waiting for my parents to walk through those gates. And ten minutes later my parents walk through the gates looking around for us.

Yoongi: Oh shit. Here we go.

We take a deep breath and smile while waving our hands to let them know where we are. They see us and smile, they speed walk over to us.

Mr. Min: How have you kids been?!
Mrs. Min: I missed my babies so much!

They let go of their suitcases to hug us. After all the greetings we go back to Yoongi's car and he puts their bags in the back. They started to catch us up on everything that we've missed back in Europe.

Mrs. Min: Now have you both found that special someone yet?

Yoongi stopped at a red light and turned to look at me nervously. We discreetly give each other a nod.

Yoongi: Yeah, something like that.
Mr. Min: And when can we meet them?
Y/N: We were actually going to let you rest today and tomorrow we would all go out to dinner.
Mr. Min: With your special someone's?
Yoongi: .....Yes.
Mrs. Min: Great! And are we all going to be staying in Y/N's apartment or?
Yoongi: I actually bought an apartment but I'm not moving in for a few weeks though. But it's already furnished and everything. So you'll be staying there.
Mr. Min: Sounds good.

The rest of the ride went by with our parents trying to get us to tell them who we were seeing. Well I'm seeing someone, but Yoongi's engaged. Hopefully they'll take all of this well.

The Next Day

Jimin and Me we're currently in my apartment waiting for Jennie to come help us get ready. Jimin was freaking out over how would my parents take him and Yoongi being engaged.

Jimin: What if they don't like me? What if they think I'm not good enough for Yoongi? What if—
Y/N: Jimin everything will be fine. I'm sure they are going to love you.

Me and Jimin have gotten closer, it's nice to have a guy best friend.

DING DONG!!!!!!!!!!
DING DONG!!!!!!!!!!
DING DONG!!!!!!!!!!

Y/N: Jennie! Damn chill out!

I scream as I walk towards the door to open it. When I open it a wild Jennie zooms in and sits next to Jimin. She stares at him curiously. Jimin's cheeks start to turn pink he leans back nervously.

Jennie: So this is Yoongi's Fiancé?

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Jennie: So this is Yoongi's Fiancé?

He nods quietly. There was a moment of silence.


I start laughing uncontrollably and fall onto the floor. Jimin turns even more pink and buried his face in his arms, being all shy and stuff.

Y/N: Jennie you're scaring him! Jimin I'm so sorry.

I'm glad I managed to say that through all my laughing. Then Jimin speaks out in a quiet, shy voice.

Jimin: It's fine. I just get really shy whenever someone compliments me like.

I turn to see Jennie trying to keep in tears from Jimin's shy, cuteness.

Jennie: I love him.

Jimin lets out a little squeak from Jennie wrapping her arms around him. But he gives in, smiles, and hugs her back.


Y/N: And I'm sending that to Yoongi.
Jimin: Yoongi's going to get mad. Whenever we went out together and someone would wink at me or look at me the wrong way, he would try to start a fight.
Y/N: He knows Jennie so he won't me mad. Don't worry Chim.

He nods while laughing.

Jennie: Ok now enough chit chat! It's time to get you ready! Jimin did you bring a few outfit options like I told Y/N to tell you.
Jimin: Yup. But Y/N went overboard and basically brought my whole wardrobe.

I smile sweetly at both of them.

Author's POV
Jennie took both Y/N and Jimin by the hand and led them towards Y/N's room. She made them sit down on the bed before she went to the hallway bringing back bags full of supplies to get ready. Jimin and Y/N's eyes widen. Hopefully this night ends up good.

Sorry for the late update. Exams are about to start and schools been a bitch.

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