Chapter 5

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I like the way you make me feel even when you're nowhere near

Y/N's POV The day went by with Jungkook randomly sliding over in his rolling chair to give me kisses

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The day went by with Jungkook randomly sliding over in his rolling chair to give me kisses. Which I found extremely adorable. Yoongi called me and said he probably wouldn't be home when I got back. Wonder why? I was currently trying to find when I could put in a meeting for 2:30pm-4:30pm in the calendar this week. I was humming one of Yoongi's songs because they're freaking fire. Suddenly Jungkook started rapping.

Y/N: You listen to his songs?
Jungkook: I always knew about Agust D I just didn't know it was Yoongi.

I laugh, shaking my head before getting back to work.

Jungkook: Baby Doll?
Y/N: Hmm?
Jungkook: We Have ten minutes until our lunch break. Want to go somewhere?
Y/N: Sure. Where we going?
Jungkook: Theres this restaurant like 15 minutes away.
Y/N: Sounds good Kookie.

He smiles at the nickname.

Fifteen minutes later

We made our way out of the office together, talking about random memories we had together when we bumped into Arina on our way out. She turned to look at us then walked the other way without saying anything. I tilt my head confused. She doesn't know me and Jungkook are together right? I'm taken out of my thoughts by Jungkook intertwining our fingers together. I smile up at him as we exit the building to go towards his black luxurious sports car. The drive to the restaurant was filled with laughter. Just like when we were teenagers. When we arrive at the restaurant he opens my door helping me out of his car, I smile thanking him. It was a nice casual restaurant. We sat down and the waiter took our orders. Me and Jungkook started talking about random things and also about the his schedules. When the food arrived we thanked the waiter then ate in a comfortable silence. A few minutes later I felt his foot caress my leg. I widen my eyes but brush it off thinking it was an accident. Until he does it again. I look up at his direction to see him already looking at me, smirking. I awkwardly clear my throat and sheepishly smile at him. His smirks gets even wider.

Jungkook: Whats wrong Baby Doll?
Y/N: N-No nothing.

I smile and continue to eat. He just laughs at my flustered state. He apologizes saying he wanted to see my reaction, I reach over and punch his shoulder. After we finish eating Jungkook pays the bill and tips the waiter. We go back to his car driving towards his company. When we arrive we go straight to his office. What we see surprises me. I didn't expect to see them in here especially by themselves.

Authors Note
This is just a filler sorry for the short chapter! I've been busy with another fanfic I'm thinking about publishing.
It's a
Depressed Yoongi X Depressed Reader.

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