Chapter 6

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Everybody has an addiction, mine just happens to be you

Y/N's POV When me and Jungkook walked into his office we saw Arina sitting in his chair, staring at us with a cold glare

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When me and Jungkook walked into his office we saw Arina sitting in his chair, staring at us with a cold glare.

Jungkook: Why are you in my office?
Arina: Shouldn't a wife be able to come into her husbands office when she likes?
Jungkook: For you, no. Now please leave.

Arina stood up from Jungkook's chair and walked towards us. Once she stood in front of us she looked at me, then and Jungkook.

Arina: It doesn't take a genius to know you two are together. What a cliché situation no? The husband, the boss of a company. A rich handsome cold man. And the mistress. His younger, personal assistant.
Y/N: Arina—
Arina: Save it. I don't want to hear excuses, but believe me. You two will never get your happily ever after as long as I am still living. If I suffer. Then so do you two. I won't stop until your relationship is over.

With that she stormed out of the office slamming the door behind her. I turn to look at Jungkook who was already looking at me.

Y/N: This has to—
Jungkook: Don't even say it because I won't allow it to happen. Your stuck with me from now until the end of our lives. And I must be crazy to let you go again.
Y/N: Our lives are going to be living hell's! Considering what Jennie has told me I know Arina won't stop until she gets what she wants.
Jungkook: And I'm not stopping until I get what I want! I want you!
Y/N: You already have me but—

Jungkook sighed annoyed. He roughly stepped towards towards me grabbing the nape of my neck pulling me towards him. He roughly started to kiss me. He bit and sucked on my lips getting a few whimpers of pain out of me. I finally pushed him away. He looked at me with fiery but dark eyes.

Jungkook: From now until the day we die, we belong to each other. Nothing will change that.

He picked me up bridal style than walked up to our desk. He sat me on my chair then walked to his desk and took a seat. I quietly started to do my work not wanting to anger him even more. His face showed an expression of annoyance and anger. It would be best not to bother him right now considering how he gets when he's mad. The only sound was both of our laptops keyboards. When it was time to leave I quickly got up put my stuff away and exited the office. I knew he wasn't going to feel better until probably tomorrow. I caught up with Jennie and we walked together towards our cars which were parked next to each other.

Jennie: Want to stop by a bakery with me? I have to pick up a order of cupcakes.
Y/N: Yeah sure. Just lead the way.

We both got into our own cars. I followed Jennie towards the bakery she was driving towards. When we arrived I smiled immediately recognizing the building as Namjoon's and Jin's. When we exited our cars I told Jennie about them, and how I know them. She laughed at the coincidence. While we waited for the cupcakes to come out we sat down on a small bench sitting in the bakery.

Jennie: So I heard you and Kook are dating.
Y/N: How did you find out?
Jennie: Arina started to tell everyone. In her words she said "he's cheating on me with his new assistant."
Y/N: Oh my gosh.

I put my face in my hands wanting to just disappear for a while.

Jennie: But don't worry everyone knows that you liked each other, he brought you the flowers and everyone saw. He just doesn't give a damn does he?
Y/N: No he doesn't. He hasn't changed. Just like when we were teenagers.
Jennie: And I don't want to seem nosey but. I uhm heard raised voices coming from your shared office. What was that about?

I roll my eyes and explain to her what happened. From Arina waiting in there for us to Jungkook's temper tantrum. She nods understandingly.

Jennie: You know after you left. Jungkook never laughed or gave a full smile. He's become very protective of you in just these few days. It doesn't surprise me though, he really fell hard for you. As teenagers and adults.

We were cut off my two male voices coming from in front of us.

Jin: Y/N!
Namjoon: Nice to see you back.

I stand up to hug them, they smile basically crushing my bones in a group hug. When they let go I quietly gasp for air.

Y/N: Jennie. This is Jin and Namjoon, the owners of the building.

They shake hands, greeting each other.

Jin: Oh and Jennie, here are your cupcakes.
Jennie: Thank you. Here's the money.

Jin looks at her with wide eyes and rushes the money back into her hand.

Jin: Nope! It's on us.
Jennie: Are you sure?
Namjoon: Completely.

We thank them then head out. I drive towards my apartment where I walk into Yoongi also about to enter the apartment.

Authors Note
Sorry for the short shitty update. I'll update when I can! 💜

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